College room stealth cabinet design planning


Active Member
No matter how well planned, there's bound to be some thewaking when the grow starts...

I've been thinking actually that the lamps overhead should be a bit stronger... every plant will have 3 sides well lit plus one above it...

so every plant would have 3 26w lapns on the sides and 1 42w above it...

A great tip!


Well-Known Member
i had mine in one about that size and it got growing all my autos in 3 gallon pots now...but i would think anything over a gallon size should work


Active Member
I've read about rootbound and I know everyone avoids it... bit what is the real effect of it? Is it like the bonsai-tree, it just limits it's growth?

maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing.... maybe?


Well-Known Member
it does more than stunts its growth,can slow flowering times,and lower yield.and other minor can keep a plant waterlogged if its all roots the water wont drain right..makes the plant stay over watered.the less space the roots have the less air it can get..roots need breathing room.that can also lead to the roots storing heat...heat is bad for the roots,same as light is bad for roots


Well-Known Member
i have my autos in very small pots dont know the exact size but the smallest ones u can get from the hydro store, i have to water everyday but they are doing ok they are about 2 foot tall. the reason i put them in such small pots is because i planed on putting them outside once they hit 2 weeks ended up not being able to so kept them in these only way i could keep 8 under one 400w. they are just as big actually half of them are bigger than the previous plants i grew in 3 gallon pots. take a look at the party cup competitions SICC grew over a OZ off a plant he kept in a 16oz party cup for its whole life. you just have to be more tentative to the plant is all. oh and i though heat was good for roots thats why people always put there seedlings on heat plants to help promote root growth?? ;)


Well-Known Member
i have my autos in very small pots dont know the exact size but the smallest ones u can get from the hydro store, i have to water everyday but they are doing ok they are about 2 foot tall. the reason i put them in such small pots is because i planed on putting them outside once they hit 2 weeks ended up not being able to so kept them in these only way i could keep 8 under one 400w. they are just as big actually half of them are bigger than the previous plants i grew in 3 gallon pots. take a look at the party cup competitions SICC grew over a OZ off a plant he kept in a 16oz party cup for its whole life. you just have to be more tentative to the plant is all. oh and i though heat was good for roots thats why people always put there seedlings on heat plants to help promote root growth?? ;)
depends on the pheno and and type.sativas/ruderalis/indica all have different traits as it comes to their roots and how they grow.also the type of soil or mix of soil you use can make the difference.soil with a high amount of perlite has less room for the roots to grow,so if you have 2 of the same strain..2 of the same size pot..but different soil or soil mixes..can yield different any rate..the more room the roots have the better.ive grown huge plants in small pots..same time had a ton of plants get rootbound in small pots.why not play it safe and go a little bigger.
as for the heat and root thing...well if you have really hot roots...the water/nutes in the roots will dry up much faster and the amount of nutrients in the root zone is inadequate.,making it require more watering and nutes,which can lead to overwatering and nute burn.and seedlings really need more of the humidity then the heat...and its bests to keep them warm..not hot in the first place.people dont always place them near a heat source..all of mine through the years have been started in a drawer or cabinet in wet paper towels...and have worked great that way