College Dorm Closet Stealth Grow


This is the 13th of May, got hydro nutes for it, using Pure Blend Pro Grow organic nutrients in a DWC full hydro system, with one 26W 6500K cfl. Total cost of materials less then $50, took less than an hour to build.



Its about 12" tall now had to make a bigger enclosure, not bad for 3 weeks. Will post pics when I get the chance.


anyone know if the UV air purifiers help with the skunky smell? I know they create a little ozone through photodissociation, but not sure if its enough to make a noticeable difference


?? quite the contrary actually, it protects me from the police, the only people who could detect it are RA's and I'm friends with/smoke with them on a regular basis. Theres no reason for it to tip anyone off. Plus I go to one of top engineering schools in the world, they give us the benefit of the doubt that we don't do illegal stuff. Police and public safety still need a warrant to enter my room. I would grow in a dorm room over a house any day of the week and twice on sunday :P


Well-Known Member
dude growing in a dorm is a horibly idea. so often do stoners think other people look at weed as we do. it is still a felony and it only takes one big mouth to fuck u over, HARD. i dont know what the laws in ur area r but growing can sometimes equal a drug vactory for each plant