College a Conspiracy?

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
you are extremely unsmart.
Yes im very dumb thats why im an investor and making close to a million this year alone. Im so fucking dumb! Thats why most of the college graduates that i know are working for peanuts at jewel, Costco, and what do u do my college graduate friend? Why when some one gives you a suggestion or voice there opinion must you bager them or call them names?
Mayb because ur vision of what you've created on this site is just a bull shit and you ur self are the looser.


Well-Known Member
What has changed in the finance or housing markets since 2008?

Relaxed lending laws and low rates, The banks that we bailed out are finally lending again.

Real estate is a great investment..ya just can't over extend yourself.. When the housing market is in the crapper- rental properties are in high demand.

The rich get richer.. Just like after 911 the stock market plunged.. Same goes for real estate..the ultra rich bought everything up they wanted @ 30 cents on the dollar.

Any investment can fluctuate up or down..IMO real estate is as safe or safer than anything.


Well-Known Member
Yes im very dumb thats why im an investor and making close to a million this year alone. Im so fucking dumb! Thats why most of the college graduates that i know are working for peanuts at jewel, Costco, and what do u do my college graduate friend? Why when some one gives you a suggestion or voice there opinion must you bager them or call them names?
Mayb because ur vision of what you've created on this site is just a bull shit and you ur self are the looser.
Nah hes not a loser. Hes smart and lots of fun. Hes also right. A degree will make you smarter than your uneducated pals and you have the potential to make way more money. You may end up in debt but thats the price of education unfortunately.

To the OP, before you make the choice of what youd like to study, figure out what the people in the field are making in terms of money. If you go to school in a field where 10% of graduates end up with good jobs and good pay, and 90% of grads end up with crap jobs with no money, you may not want to choose that for a career. My advice is to figure out what youd like to do for a job, and then tailor your education to fit that. Rather than blindly picking a degree and then figuring out what you want to do with it.

Lastly read the book "Rich dad, poor dad", its a life changer when it comes to the way you invest and look at money.

And to helmut bones.....a million this year? I doubt it, pics or it didnt happen. If i made a million id be driving a mercedes and own a rolex. You got one of those yet? 0 for 2? Ya thats what i thought ;)


Well-Known Member
Yes im very dumb thats why im an investor and making close to a million this year alone. Im so fucking dumb! Thats why most of the college graduates that i know are working for peanuts at jewel, Costco, and what do u do my college graduate friend? Why when some one gives you a suggestion or voice there opinion must you bager them or call them names?
Mayb because ur vision of what you've created on this site is just a bull shit and you ur self are the looser.
a millionaire who can't even spell words right.

we all believe you.

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
If you could prove that you made over 250k this year, one quarter of your bs claim, I'd eat a loaf of dogshit.
U dont believe me? I thought we were homies. Homie.
But i will prove to you guys the power of leverage!
Mathematics 101.
I will show you guy's what i make on a monthly basis.
But its from tennants and capital gains that my property management have to give us monthly.
Now keep in mind most of the money's is being reinvested and put back to work.
So yes ur making money but its not liquid funds.
It all put to use.
If i needed to get get lets say 100,000 i would have to get 1 home equity loan wich would take 2-3 weeks to get a check. But nonetheless its just as good as money.
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hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
It is hard to believe that you are a competent investor today, when it seems like just yesterday you were foaming at the mouth to take a 20 dollar an hour, growing job.

Seem Legit.
Im trying to get into the cannabis scene here in illinois i was hoping to partner up or get my foot in the door, now keep in mind just because im an investor dosent mean i dont work, there's also some calculated risks in investing.
Belive me i had some partners lined up for the cannabiz but Illinois only wants multi-billion dollar companies to start up, even so i still make about 50 grand yearly working 9-5. But im just starting out. I wish i would of known about real estate sooner.


Well-Known Member
Yes im very dumb thats why im an investor and making close to a million this year alone. Im so fucking dumb! .
even so i still make about 50 grand yearly working 9-5. But im just starting out.
So you say you didnt go to college huh? I couldnt tell, i guess math isnt your strong suit. Its funny how a million a year so quickly turned into 50k. And id be willing to bet thats an exaggeration as well ;)
Oh well better luck with the lies next time. Thanks for playing rollitup :lol:

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
So you say you didnt go to college huh? I couldnt tell, i guess math isnt your strong suit. Its funny how a million a year so quickly turned into 50k. And id be willing to bet thats an exaggeration as well ;)
Oh well better luck with the lies next time. Thanks for playing rollitup :lol:


Well-Known Member
I believe hes saying 50k a year is annual income via a day job and the mill a year is through thrifty investing. But yeah...seems an unlikely combination :mrgreen:

....and incidentally Coolidge College is 1 of my favorite fictional colleges. GO VAN WILDER WOOOOO!

(Don't worry...I didn't go to Coolidge either:bigjoint:)


Well-Known Member
I believe hes saying 50k a year is annual income via a day job and the mill a year is through thrifty investing. But yeah...seems an unlikely combination :mrgreen:

....and incidentally Coolidge College is 1 of my favorite fictional colleges. GO VAN WILDER WOOOOO!

(Don't worry...I didn't go to Coolidge either:bigjoint:)
The million dollar lie vaped up after the, if i were to have 100k it would be because i took out a lone to get it. Thats funny. I could get a 250k lone too. That wouldnt mean i made 250k this year.