Collecting male pollen


Active Member
At this point I my first plant was a male so I put it outside away from my grow room. I would like to destroy the plant as soon as possible only collecting as much pollen as I need to get about 70 seeds or so. At this point the male just started budding and has little pods everywhere none open. At what point can I collect some pollen and due away with my plant?

Also your photos diagrams do not appear. Could you perhaps email them to me so I can clearly see and understand the pollen collection prosess? Or repost them with new provided links ect.

I live in Hawaii and I am a medical patient. I orderd some BC Sweet God and The Purps. I do a lot of coloning but I would like to stash about 100 seeds of each strain that I like.

So having a film container full of pollen and being able to selectively seed some buds is a great idea.. Perhaps you can repost the photos and diagram?

Main question is when can I do away with the plant and when does it start to produce pollen? I want to get pollen yet avoid having it blown allover my back yard.. Anyway thanks for the advice and help..



Well-Known Member
I would love some pictures to, I have a male I would like to take pollen from and get out of the garden ASAP.


Active Member
Well My pollen extraction worked. What I did was let the male grow to the point where a few of the pods opened and then I fed the male to my leopard tortoises. the largest male bud I kept. I took a hair spray lid and put a hole in the bottom. I put the bud inside the lid with a node sticking out the hole in the bottom and sat that into a glass of water. I put saran arap around it and put small holes in the wrap, to prevent pollenating me bedroom yet allowing the plant to breathe. I put it in a window for about 3 days and then took a makeup brush, I could see the white powder pollen and I scooped it up with the makeup brush and brushed it onto my buds.. And they already have huge seed pods.. Anyway threw the male bud away when I was finished.

Now I have all the seeds I need:)



Active Member
videoman read your note from back in feb. i like the consept its simpl and easy. theres one catch what happens if you got hermmies, me personaly i put paper down under the bush and wait and ever so oftin either tap the bush or just wait. (3 plants 3hermmies,what the f---- chuck 1 sno,1grimmlyn,1 white widow.)


Active Member
think im gonna give it a try on my next crop. got 18 pots to fill with some Aurora Indica, Blueberry, THC Bomb , and some northern lights! hopefully i can produce some seeds from each strian, maybe try a lil crossin!!!


Well-Known Member
anyone use cooking/baking flower to make your pollen go farther? im going to try this in a week or so.. thanks videoman

zealand green

Well-Known Member
Hi there videoman, I can not view the images, it says they have been removed.
I am pretty sure i know what you mean in your description but just to be sure would you be able to put one picture up. Thanks


Active Member
This thread is awesome beyond my ability to articulate!!! I wanted EXACTLY this kind of info for my first grow! Frakking brilliant! You all rock!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but there's no pics on there so to me its kinda hard to understand 100% what you are saying