Coleman Emergency Blankets


Active Member
What is everybody's take on "Coleman Emergency Blankets"? Now, keep in mind, I didn't just ask about mylar emergency blankets. It seems rather odd that when I view someone's grow I sometimes notice they use/are using "Coleman Emergency Blankets" and when I ask them how it is working I have gotten "Man, they work AWESOME..." or "best stuff I've ever used"...then, without bringing something important (ill get to that) I ask them what the best stuff to use is and I will get a "mylar or flat white paint"...then, I have asked what they think of "aluminum" and I will get "it sucks" or something of that nature....Now, keep in mind, the same individuals who claimed "Coleman Emergency Blankets" are some of the best stuff they have ever used in their grow rooms" also stated that they HATE aluminum and basically aluminum is not worthy of growing pot for various reasons. Check this out: Coleman Emergency Blankets are not mylar...they are aluminum. Interesting....

EDIT: I have found out (checking if this is accurate) that Mylar is actually the same thing as "aluminized polyester"....this is GREAT cause I have lots of these coleman blankets...sweet!


I read somewhere a while back that mylar is 90+% reflective and the emergency blankets are 60-70+% reflective. idk what the reflectivity of flat white is.

I use the blankets myself. Only reason is me being to lazy to travel 20 miles to get mylar.

What i did (and noticed a difference) was i lined my walls with white paper (cheap printer paper. Then i lined them with painters plastic floor covering and then the blankets. it works for me.


Active Member
i am use some as well and in fact the blanckets that come in first aid kits and colemen is a mylar
Those Coleman blankets working out well for you? Post some pics of your setup...I am drawing diagrams of how I am going to do mine. I have a room but I need to make it more of a growroom.