Colder temps for flowering stage.. ideal temp?

Plants ftw

I have read that the best results come from a temp. anywhere from 75-85 degrees F typically, and they can survive anything above freezing..usually. But I was wondering how much it would affect the plants if the temp dropped fairly significantly through the dark stage, say to mid 40's to lower 50's? They will be plenty warm when the light is on.

any help is appreciated:-)


Well-Known Member
hi, i personally wouldnt like to see them below 60 as root growth could suffer and that will have a knock on effect, id imagine depending on your variety it wont die but i allways try to keep the difference between lights on and lights off to the minumin as extreem differences can cause all sorts off problems, im sure the odd night wont be a problem but id be inclined to try to stabalise it especially before flowering, hopefully some-one with more knowledge will be along to help, good luck


Active Member
I'm getting some purp on my Bubblelicious :D Its been in the 40-50's but they have been in the shed at pro closer to 50. Growth does slow down though..


Well-Known Member
Best indoor herb I grew was in a basement during the winter and the temps would get down to 50 during the night cycle. The buds were so thick and the purples that came out looked sick...JR


Well-Known Member
well people with more knowledge came!!! as weve all said its depending on strain, if YOUR worried perhaps look to insulate your "box" slow the extractor just before night, do you remember the old style radiators that used stone blocks, they retain heat and emit it, if your just going into flower look at having lights off in the day

Plants ftw

Nice, sounds like they should be fine then.. two more days until I switch the cfl bulb/nute and start flowering stage.. pretty pumped to see how they turn out. Thanks a lot for the input, ill let you know how it goes..

if your just going into flower look at having lights off in the day
yea man, i was planning on doing that.. gets pretty cold here even during the day


Well-Known Member
Got a 3 foot pineapple chunk that use to be a mother planted out side put her there a months ago. I live in so cal but temps been doping to high 30s ( 38-39) She doing fine flowering extreamly slow tho 4 week in and just little nugs forming where id usually have bout 30% bigger flower growth. Did the same thing last year in the winter month in cali and they work out just fine very purple 2:-D just little fun i like to have abusing the weather in South California.

Plants ftw

That's sick suTra, ill be sure to try and take some pics when they're turning colors.. yea it shouldn't get quite that cold so I'll definitely be safe. Hopefully it wont slow it too much though because I'm sort of on a time constraint here haha

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Over the winter, all the cold air that I brought in from outside to cool the reflectors made it really easy for me to keep my room cold. I ran temps during the day at 65-68 and at night at 45-50 on my White Widows. I was expecting lower yields and increased potency. What I got was possibly a slight increase in potency but nothing special (had it tested at 12.77thc, nothing special) but my yield was not any lower than usual..probably because I was able to keep the plants closer to the reflectors.

I didn't see a change in colors, but that's possibly because to bring out those colors in most strains it needs to be a little warmer during lights on..I think a 20 degree difference or more. Or because White Widow isn't a very colorful strain...


Active Member
Best indoor herb I grew was in a basement during the winter and the temps would get down to 50 during the night cycle. The buds were so thick and the purples that came out looked sick...JR

Basement in lv?? I didnt think they have any of those here. Unless u arent in the lv nv haha