Okay so to start things off, the other week I decided I needed to quit smoking bud and get my life in order. I am a recently returned home combat vet from Afghanistan with shit loads of anxiety. And since I have been back nearly 4 people from my platoon have killed themselves and last week my father died an early death. Needless to say, I don't know if weed is the best thing for me right now. I think just being sober from everything for awhile is my best bet so I can get my head clear.
...But on a lighter note. When I came home to go through my dads stuff I noticed he had about 1/2lb of some good shit. Naturally I smoked my grief away until I came to the conclusion that maybe I shouldn't have my head in the clouds right now. For my family and my education. So anyways, the reason I stated all that stuff as a pre-cursor for this "cry for help" I'm about to give, is because I don't really want anyone flaming me, or trying to convince me otherwise that I shouldn't be sober, and that "weed is my answer", I know my body and I know me and I know that I need to face reality.
So with that bullshit out of the way... heres what my logic was:
Option 1) I'm quitting, so I should throw it out. - HELL NO!
Option 2) Smoke it all -No; I'm a triathlete and I can't smoke anymore, smoking in the winter in Oregon reaps hell on the throat.
Option 3) Make edibles/tincture and have them on special occasions. **WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER**
So heres what went down..
I read this recipe from a website online (I tried to find the link to give credit, but I seriously couldn't find it doing a history search c/p'd):
So needless to say nowhere in that recipe does it say to decarb the bud. AT ALL. I seriously thought I did my research on the method, but I guess I didn't look hard enough.Once I had bought a galon of 190proof booze, cheesecloth, coffee filters, grinder, mason jars, etc. , I did another search about the tinctures to see if there was more info on actually how to use (take it, ingest it) the tincture. And that still seems ambiguos to me as well....
So heres my situation:
I followed that recipe word for word and now I have 6 mason jars in my freezer being mixed 2-3 times a day. It was about 2-3 days since I had started the process and I didn't really care about wasting one of the jars to see if the process was doing anything. So I cracked one of them open last night, strained it several times until all I was left with was some dark green liquid in the mason jar. Now heres some red flags that something didn't go right.
1. The tincture was not a golden or pale green (unless I looked from the bottom of the mason jar pointed towards a light, than it resembled the "Hulk" green.
2. There was a shit ton of liquid. I thought tinctures were supposed to be in small mL's and be potent. This shit looked diluted and filled with chlorophyl.
So I tried it last night, however I didn't really know what I was doing. I thought about getting a double-boiler so I could evaporate some of the booze out or completely out, but I didn't know if that was a good idea and I couldn't find any definitive information online.
So what I did was just take the jar to my mouth and swig the solution around in my mouth for as long as I could stand (the shit burns like hell) and then spit it out, and wash my mouth out with water. I don't drink alcohol anyways, so there is no fucking way I'm drinking that...unless I have too haha. So after the mouthwash technique I'm not sure if it worked or not because I was so stressed out from the day and tired that I just said "fuck it" and went to bed; not knowing if I was fucked up or not. Maybe I had a slight buzz, but nowhere near the rockstar status that this method is renowned for.
So what can I do? Here's my definitive questions that are kinda stressing me over this.
1. Can this be salvaged?
2. Is there a way I can still decarb the solution? Like heat up the (strained) solution with a double boiler until I get (not sure what it is supposed to look like) a more concentrated solution?
3. What is this yellow line? (picture)
4. Is mouthwasing the stuff the way you're supposed to do it? It just seems like a pint of booze is a lot for only an oz of bud. I hate booze, can't stand it. But yet I have to deal with this (in my opinion) diluted solution? From all the google searches I've done there is absolutely no explanation for what to do once you have a pint of this booze/thc extract. Are you supposed to get droppers, or can just taking a gulp off the jar and swigging it around for about 30seconds in your mouth do the same trick? It all seems very ambiguous to me, and a pint of fucking everclear is strong; like my mouth is literally still burning from last night. Or is a pint really not that much if you decarbed the bud, because the tincture wont be diluted (like my case) and the tincture will be concentrated - meaning that swigging the tincture from the jar will actually fuck you up, apposed to just giving you a mild buzz wondering if that the melatonin you took or that burning shit you were just swigging.
And any advice from someone thats been in this situation would be so helpful.
I really don't want to have faced the reality that I just wasted a 1/2lb of my father dank, that he nor I will ever get to enjoy. In the cosmic sense of things...this just isn't right. My dad wouldn't be pissed, but he would be disappointed that it all went to waste.
So that's it. The whole story.
And also, I'd really appreciate if no one talked shit about my service, my dad, or my actions in this matter. I just need some help from some fellow like-minded people. If you have nothing positive to say or have no advice, than just let this post be. I'm at my fucking wits end and flaming really won't help anyone.
-Thanks ahead of time, everyone.
Okay so to start things off, the other week I decided I needed to quit smoking bud and get my life in order. I am a recently returned home combat vet from Afghanistan with shit loads of anxiety. And since I have been back nearly 4 people from my platoon have killed themselves and last week my father died an early death. Needless to say, I don't know if weed is the best thing for me right now. I think just being sober from everything for awhile is my best bet so I can get my head clear.
...But on a lighter note. When I came home to go through my dads stuff I noticed he had about 1/2lb of some good shit. Naturally I smoked my grief away until I came to the conclusion that maybe I shouldn't have my head in the clouds right now. For my family and my education. So anyways, the reason I stated all that stuff as a pre-cursor for this "cry for help" I'm about to give, is because I don't really want anyone flaming me, or trying to convince me otherwise that I shouldn't be sober, and that "weed is my answer", I know my body and I know me and I know that I need to face reality.
So with that bullshit out of the way... heres what my logic was:
Option 1) I'm quitting, so I should throw it out. - HELL NO!
Option 2) Smoke it all -No; I'm a triathlete and I can't smoke anymore, smoking in the winter in Oregon reaps hell on the throat.
Option 3) Make edibles/tincture and have them on special occasions. **WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER**
So heres what went down..
I read this recipe from a website online (I tried to find the link to give credit, but I seriously couldn't find it doing a history search c/p'd):
#!: A. Extracting THC in high proof (190 proof) alcohol, typically EverclearFirst - get yourself some high proof alcohol, at least 190 proof... In other words, get yourself a bottle of Everclear.
[The following instructions were taken from, and I made some adjustments.]
You will need 1 ounce of marijuana for every pint of alcohol (or half a gram of marijuana for every ounce of alcohol). Some good spirits to use would be Everclear, 151 Rum, or White Lightning due to the high proof. You want an alcohol with 95% ethanol, or a 190-proof alcohol to obtain the best results. The night before you make this, leave your bud in the freezer, completely drying it out. Its also a good idea to put the ethanol in the freezer as well. Once your bud has been in the freezer, grind it up to almost a powder and mix together with ethanol in a glass quart-mixing jar. Close the jar and shake for 5 minutes, then return to freezer. Continue to agitate the mixture every few hours with refreezing. Continue this process anywhere from 3 days to 9 weeks, however patient you are really. Remember, the longer the better (after 3 days it will be pretty potent, so don't feel bad). When you are done with that process, pour the liquid through cheesecloth. You can save the ball of cheesecloth for topical use, or run it through a coffee filter. Make sure to squeeze any remaining liquid out. You might want to wear gloves during this process, as the solution might be pretty strong. The color of your final product is dependent on what percent ethanol you used. If you used a 95% ethanol solution, your tincture should be pale green to golden. If you used 151 rum, it should be an amber color. If your tincture is a dark green that means excess plant material is present. This does not affect the potency though; it just means it wont taste very good. Its a good idea to add some flavor extracts, like vanilla or raspberry, to change the taste of your tincture (If you are making brownies there is no need for the flavor extracts, that is in case you want to drink it straight).
So needless to say nowhere in that recipe does it say to decarb the bud. AT ALL. I seriously thought I did my research on the method, but I guess I didn't look hard enough.Once I had bought a galon of 190proof booze, cheesecloth, coffee filters, grinder, mason jars, etc. , I did another search about the tinctures to see if there was more info on actually how to use (take it, ingest it) the tincture. And that still seems ambiguos to me as well....
So heres my situation:
I followed that recipe word for word and now I have 6 mason jars in my freezer being mixed 2-3 times a day. It was about 2-3 days since I had started the process and I didn't really care about wasting one of the jars to see if the process was doing anything. So I cracked one of them open last night, strained it several times until all I was left with was some dark green liquid in the mason jar. Now heres some red flags that something didn't go right.
1. The tincture was not a golden or pale green (unless I looked from the bottom of the mason jar pointed towards a light, than it resembled the "Hulk" green.
2. There was a shit ton of liquid. I thought tinctures were supposed to be in small mL's and be potent. This shit looked diluted and filled with chlorophyl.
So I tried it last night, however I didn't really know what I was doing. I thought about getting a double-boiler so I could evaporate some of the booze out or completely out, but I didn't know if that was a good idea and I couldn't find any definitive information online.
So what I did was just take the jar to my mouth and swig the solution around in my mouth for as long as I could stand (the shit burns like hell) and then spit it out, and wash my mouth out with water. I don't drink alcohol anyways, so there is no fucking way I'm drinking that...unless I have too haha. So after the mouthwash technique I'm not sure if it worked or not because I was so stressed out from the day and tired that I just said "fuck it" and went to bed; not knowing if I was fucked up or not. Maybe I had a slight buzz, but nowhere near the rockstar status that this method is renowned for.
So what can I do? Here's my definitive questions that are kinda stressing me over this.
1. Can this be salvaged?
2. Is there a way I can still decarb the solution? Like heat up the (strained) solution with a double boiler until I get (not sure what it is supposed to look like) a more concentrated solution?
3. What is this yellow line? (picture)
4. Is mouthwasing the stuff the way you're supposed to do it? It just seems like a pint of booze is a lot for only an oz of bud. I hate booze, can't stand it. But yet I have to deal with this (in my opinion) diluted solution? From all the google searches I've done there is absolutely no explanation for what to do once you have a pint of this booze/thc extract. Are you supposed to get droppers, or can just taking a gulp off the jar and swigging it around for about 30seconds in your mouth do the same trick? It all seems very ambiguous to me, and a pint of fucking everclear is strong; like my mouth is literally still burning from last night. Or is a pint really not that much if you decarbed the bud, because the tincture wont be diluted (like my case) and the tincture will be concentrated - meaning that swigging the tincture from the jar will actually fuck you up, apposed to just giving you a mild buzz wondering if that the melatonin you took or that burning shit you were just swigging.
And any advice from someone thats been in this situation would be so helpful.
I really don't want to have faced the reality that I just wasted a 1/2lb of my father dank, that he nor I will ever get to enjoy. In the cosmic sense of things...this just isn't right. My dad wouldn't be pissed, but he would be disappointed that it all went to waste.
So that's it. The whole story.
And also, I'd really appreciate if no one talked shit about my service, my dad, or my actions in this matter. I just need some help from some fellow like-minded people. If you have nothing positive to say or have no advice, than just let this post be. I'm at my fucking wits end and flaming really won't help anyone.
-Thanks ahead of time, everyone.