Coffee Grinder, Will It Work?


Well-Known Member
So after my recent incident with my grinder, im wondering would a cheapo coffee grinder work for my weed? Like legitimitely after finding chunks of metal-I dont wanna deal with this grinder anymore-could a coffee grinder solve all my problems? Do I lose kief etc? Any other recommendations?


Well-Known Member
nice I think ill go buy a cheapo one haha other question say I get a quarter or so is it bad to grind immediately?


It will dry out faster, if im understanding the question right.

"zoom" it at the end upside down cause it smacks some of the good stuff off the bud, and alot of the times if the blade isnt too sharp any extra stems will be easily noticed.


Well-Known Member
So the kief that is knocked off, it easy to capture with this method? Can I simply brush it out-or am I losing lovely triches?


Well-Known Member
oh hell yeh. coffee grinder is fine. they are mainly used to grind trim/shake to make hash/oil but it will still work.


Well-Known Member
Well lol like I use a vape (MFLB and SSV) so haha grinding up is a necesity, regardless I guess ill head to a store to get a cheap coffee grinder LOL damn metal grinder breaking on me -_-


Well-Known Member
they work great...especially when you have alot you want to grind at one time. I ve ground up a QP in like 1/2 hour for massive rolling coffee grinder is really small though, a travel size, abigger one will probable hold the whole

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
buy a high quality grinder... they dont leave you with metal chips in your weed

I bit the bullet and dropped 110 on a hugeeee hard anodized 4 piece aluminum space case.. I've grinded like more than a few elbows with it... I grind like 2 zips in 25 minutes for making oil

still turns just as good as the day i bought it, 3 years later.

Some people call me crazy for spending that much on a grinder, but it's worth it given how much I use it and how well it works.

just sayin'

coffee grinders tend to seperate your keif from your material... farrr worse than letting it fall on a screen...

but it depends on how much you toke I guess :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Aint gunna lie-I picked up a coffee grinder today, haha and well lol im baked and it chopped 2 grams like nothing, made for some nice bong rips :)

now to MFLB

kush fario

Well-Known Member
nice i use a va[e aswell. amd i use a small blender to grind my buds it works great just great but i only grind the ammount im smoking in that sesh at a time but ive grinded up a zip in like 30 seconds to a min for making brownies and i got some reel preem free hash :D