Coffee and Cannabis in Colorado

Hi! Let me preface by saying i might be stoned rambling, but i also might be making life decisions or anywhere of importance in between.

I am at a point in my life where im asking the question do i stay where im at in IL, keep advancing in my career, buy a house, and settle down....orrr do i Move back out to Colorado, and attempt to persue a life long passion...sweet, sweet Maryjane???

Ever since Colorado passed amendment 64 i have been tinkering with the idea to open up a cannabis cafe type business. I Know that the legeslation is still being written to decitate how everything will work, but i would like to get the gears in motion anyway. now my issue here falls that i really have no idea where to start. what sort of capital would i need? Who can i approach for financing?

i know with the sensitive subject of Cannabis financing will be difficult to find. i have heard of some sites that get you in contact with independent sources, which i think i'd have a better shot at. anyone heard of these before?

suggestions, comments, criticisms?..

i am eager to hear any and all input...
I currently am a National Trainer for a small manufacturer. Basically I travel all over north america and train distributors how and why to sell our products.


Well-Known Member
stick with a career that you can grow and make a good life with. there are thousands of qualified business people clammoring to get in on the action, people with cash, and experience in this industry.

I'm sure there will be jobs bud tending though, for 1/4 of your current earning potential.
stick with a career that you can grow and make a good life with. there are thousands of qualified business people clammoring to get in on the action, people with cash, and experience in this industry.

I'm sure there will be jobs bud tending though, for 1/4 of your current earning potential.
you are probably right, but i'm left with what my dad always told me...."you have to love what you do" and i just happen to love MJ