coconut powder turned into caramel!


Well-Known Member
anyone here use coconut powder it's been about a month since my last use I opened it to feed to the soil, and it looked like this!!!! obviously it's bad going to try to get a refund or replacement!CM181018-204613001.jpg CM181018-204620002.jpg
look up toasted coconut flakes.. They were stored in too warm of a place probably....

Don't beat your dog. They don't understand what they did wrong. All you are doing is scaring the dog and making the dog afraid of you and less trusting. The best way to punish an animal is to take their food away. They become more affectionate and more obediant. Any time your dog does something you don't like just snap your fingers and say it's name in a deep tone.
look up toasted coconut flakes.. They were stored in too warm of a place probably....

Don't beat your dog. They don't understand what they did wrong. All you are doing is scaring the dog and making the dog afraid of you and less trusting. The best way to punish an animal is to take their food away. They become more affectionate and more obediant. Any time your dog does something you don't like just snap your fingers and say it's name in a deep tone.
OK I say beat but I don't mean that she properly smacked on the ass twice, and she's a big pit pull, i didn't hurt her, but she's knew she did wrong! but that dog is the most spoiled baby I've ever had! she's a big puddin lol! I would never actually hurt my baby! sorry i miss word shit all the time!
Screenshot_2017-10-13-22-54-27.png this was 3 years ago! when she was a baby but don't worry man she very well taken care, and not abused by any means!!! but I will correct her if nessary but it's been years since she needed an "ass beating" lol usually just yelling at her works pretty well! she is truly a cluts!
This has happened to me in the past. I think this happens when the container holding the powder/flakes is opened repeatedly in a highly humid environment like the grow room, because where I used to store it was certainly not a "warm" area (stored outside the grow area).

Now I keep my powdered coco' stored in the freezer in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid and several desiccant packs thrown in for good measure. I'm still using a batch that's over a year old. Mix your coco' water outside the grow room.
+1 to the above.

High humidity is enough.

No worries. You can usually snap pieces off. Get a bowl of water; take a piece and rub it in your hands. The heat and water will slowly soften the coconut.

It's not the type of thing you can return. User error causes it; no disrespect intended. When it arrived, it was fine. Sometime later, this happened. It didn't happen before you got it.

It's wicked frustrating. Don't break the desiccate packs or get them wet.

But, if you can break off parts of the coconut mass, then with a little effort you can get some of it back.

I don't think simply leaving it in water works; nor does putting it in a tea. It needs to be heated and softened a bit.
+1 to the above.

High humidity is enough.

No worries. You can usually snap pieces off. Get a bowl of water; take a piece and rub it in your hands. The heat and water will slowly soften the coconut.

It's not the type of thing you can return. User error causes it; no disrespect intended. When it arrived, it was fine. Sometime later, this happened. It didn't happen before you got it.

It's wicked frustrating. Don't break the desiccate packs or get them wet.

But, if you can break off parts of the coconut mass, then with a little effort you can get some of it back.

I don't think simply leaving it in water works; nor does putting it in a tea. It needs to be heated and softened a bit.
I actually do agree with you but the day this happened I had emailed build a soil, and guy explained to me what happened and actually offered to send me a free one but I'd have to cover shipping! which is kinda amazing seeing as it is my fault but still really cool of them!
Don't beat your dog. They don't understand what they did wrong. All you are doing is scaring the dog and making the dog afraid of you and less trusting.
Big difference between beating a dog and teaching it that something it did is not acceptable. Dogs are wolfs. Have you ever seen the way a dominant wolf regulates members of its pack that fall out of line?
Only way your dog doesn't understand is if its some inbred small rat dog. They get way more than you would think. And as long as its not a common occasion and not overboard, Physical repercussions are much more clear and understandable.

No one should beat their dog, BUT every responsible owner should hit their dog atleast a 4 times in their life. They don't give a fuck about your post 90's modern era mortalities and sensibilities.

They are wolfs.
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View attachment 4217933 this was 3 years ago! when she was a baby but don't worry man she very well taken care, and not abused by any means!!! but I will correct her if nessary but it's been years since she needed an "ass beating" lol usually just yelling at her works pretty well! she is truly a cluts!
All I have to do with my girl is say " your so naughty " in a disappointed voice and she crumbles. I think she would rather a smack haha.
Pet hair don't count. You probably eat kilos of it in your life.
i don't have pets. live in a tiny house close to the road, with no real yard....not fair to an animal to keep one here.
and it would be hypocritical, as we don't allow pets in the apartments. thinking about a fish tank, but the power goes off a lot here, would hate to have them freeze to death if the power goes out for more than a few hours