coconut fibers


Active Member
Lol naw it hasnt stood up yet thats the stem that is popped out. So they have a regular coconut soil. About how much does it cost and is it good stuff? I couldnt use regular soil what will happen?


Well-Known Member
You need nutrients for one.

Coco has a higher demand for Ca (calcium) and Mg (magnesium).

Coco specific nutes contain more of these elements than standard nutes.

You can use any nutrient brand but if not coco specific nutes then you'll need to get some calmag ( calcium and magnesium in one ).

pH is pretty crucial in coco. Everything you water with has to be pH'd correctly. The easiest for a beginner is to stick around 5.8pH.



Lol naw it hasnt stood up yet thats the stem that is popped out. So they have a regular coconut soil. About how much does it cost and is it good stuff? I couldnt use regular soil what will happen?
You could use coco coir bricks and break them up, rinse and pH it for about 3 bucks a brick or you could get the regular sized bags ready to go for 12-22 or so bucks. It isn't a soil and doesn't contain any soil, however, some growers use blends of amended soil with coco. Coco is a hydroponic medium and 5.8-6.0 pH water should be used. If you're going with straight coco, I'd recommend blending in some perlite or stones to help keep your root zone aerated.


Active Member
Ok cool thats sounds good ill get some good pebbles for it. Its not hydro so do i have to water it everyday or like every 2 days? And when should i feed.


Active Member
I did read ur last post. U never mentioned anything about how much water or nutes. And as for the pebbles. Thats what im going to use. Stones just seem to big! Carbonated soda really come on. Is everybody a yuppie on here. Cause some ppl act like they got there head up there ass. And i already have a decent female ready to flower i just never used this shit! But thanks for the info.


Ok cool thats sounds good ill get some good pebbles for it. Its not hydro so do i have to water it everyday or like every 2 days? And when should i feed.
I did read ur last post. U never mentioned anything about how much water or nutes. And as for the pebbles. Thats what im going to use. Stones just seem to big! Carbonated soda really come on. Is everybody a yuppie on here. Cause some ppl act like they got there head up there ass. And i already have a decent female ready to flower i just never used this shit! But thanks for the info.
Since your so blunt.. I removed the post because I had this thread confused with another thread where I'm trying to help someone else who hasn't made much of an effort to learn anything about growing cannabis. You'd rather just ask questions than learn something for yourself. And that's fine, I was still willing to help you. But I specifically call coco a hydroponic medium in the previous post, and you respond with, "it isn't hydro..." Really.. Come on nothing jimmym357, you're too lazy to read or silly to understand what I am telling you. And I'm not going to start on watering because it's obvious you don't have a fundamental understanding of that either. And I could tell you and help, but really what's the point...?^^^ So I see it far differently to who has who's head up their ass.

All the best,


Active Member
I meant im not doing a hydro grow. Im not trying to get on anyones bad side. Im going to find out my self regaurdless i just wanted to know a lil more about this stuff. I was saying since this stuff is meant for hydro then how do i water it as a regular grow? And nutes?


Well-Known Member
We know you are not doing a hydro grow, however technically you are... its called hand water drain to waste. By using Coco, which as mentioned earlier is in fact a hydroponic medium, (not soil) you have to hand water using the proper balance of food and macro/micro nutrients. The coco on its own is nutrient-less. I freaking love the stuff but you gotta pair it with a nice feeding/water schedule for optimum results.