Coco problems, leaves malformation

they will continue to pass god-awful advice out to prevent newbs from catching up.
it's all about concurrency these days. $$$ o_O
I don’t think anyones passing awful advise. I just think everyone’s on the wrong fucking page. Kinda derailed and that’s my fault. I shouldn of said so and so gave terrible advice growing in coco. That was disrespectful on my behalf and I apologize for that statement. I shoulda just started and left with what I do and how my results are. That’s it. Again. Sorry fellas
@DrOgkush the growing elite have bullied you, everyone is entitled to there opinions on the way they grow and there success ,some are willing to pass there ideas and views , what I disagree with is the so called elite growers that think they know all and try to shame and bully others that dont toe there line .. and end stuffing the thread, happens all the time ....
No. Not really. My skin to thick for that shit. I just don’t care. Nobodies smoking my bud but my circle. So. I not trippin at all. I became a bully when I said someone else was handing out wrong advice when it wasn wrong. Just wasnt the answer for the op. There a difference. And I shoulda saw the line in between. That was mybad. I’m not afraid to own up to my mistakes. Happy growing all and happy 420 to come. No hard feelings
I believe this is the root of the false interpretation of the myth of "you cannot overwater coco".
Adding water to fill a pot will displace air which holds actually 21% oxygen. The little O2 solved in the water is far less.
It's actually the structure of coco grains & perlite that allows for air pockets to be between them - but once the medium is 100% soaked none of these remain.
I have a study here explaining this in great detail and it finds great differences between the coco substrates in term of water matrix potential & atmosphere retained.
I'd also venture to say that a droopy plant doesnt transpire/drink as much as a healthy one which would just exacerbate root water stress
Where exactly in the study did it say once 100% soaked coco doesn't contain air pockets?

Sure if you don't drain your medium it will be 100% soaked and not have air pockets, but once it drains then air pockets are left behind.
That's one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
is when a would-be horticultural bachelor boasting only A-grades can't identify a plant being water-stressed. Or explain why a tiny plant needs more water when it still has plenty, a question you ignored in the other thread about the very same subject.

If you're so smart why don't you lecture us on the differences of root exudates (secretes & excretes), water matrix potential, fiber moisture expansion, free and bound water and importance of root access to atmosphere?!
No, instead you need to throw insults or resort to trolling serious conversation.

Or when you ask for side-by-side comparisons from growers. Not prooving much. Science is only science when it fulfills its rigorous standards.

But you keep ignoring valid scientific information brought to you by peer-reviewed studies and also should know better considering some of this stuff you'll learn in the first semester.
From what iv learnt off here I have 3 plants going at the minute iv watered twice daily since the day I picked the clones up I water till run off to avoid buildup and to allow 02 to the root zone coco may seem wet but still need to be watered if your plant is in a small pot and you water till run off you wouldn’t be using more than a litre per feed if your rez is well airrated with an air pump or wave maker then you shouldn’t have a problem they’re looking hungry like others have said so feeding every day will most likely fix that if no ill effects are seen from watering every day this is my first grow girls are in flower and they’re healthy and bushy without a yellow leaf in site everyone’s advice is different I went with watering every day and seen no ill effects just good results coco isn’t soil and needs regular feeds
is when a would-be horticultural bachelor boasting only A-grades can't identify a plant being water-stressed. Or explain why a tiny plant needs more water when it still has plenty, a question you ignored in the other thread about the very same subject.

If you're so smart why don't you lecture us on the differences of root exudates (secretes & excretes), water matrix potential, fiber moisture expansion, free and bound water and importance of root access to atmosphere?!
No, instead you need to throw insults or resort to trolling serious conversation.

Or when you ask for side-by-side comparisons from growers. Not prooving much. Science is only science when it fulfills its rigorous standards.

But you keep ignoring valid scientific information brought to you by peer-reviewed studies and also should know better considering some of this stuff you'll learn in the first semester.

After is definitely questionable.
Everyone has a different opinion on how to grow in coco.........some are successful.........some think they are successful.........and some don't grow at all.
For what it's worth........this is how I grow in coco.........with good success.
I start in 1 liter pots.
I start feeding light nutes to run off after a couple of days from sprout.
I transplant to a 9 liter pot after 2 weeks and continue feeding daily to run off.
I feed twice a day to run off in flower until harvest.
Pretty simple.
is when a would-be horticultural bachelor boasting only A-grades can't identify a plant being water-stressed. Or explain why a tiny plant needs more water when it still has plenty, a question you ignored in the other thread about the very same subject.

If you're so smart why don't you lecture us on the differences of root exudates (secretes & excretes), water matrix potential, fiber moisture expansion, free and bound water and importance of root access to atmosphere?!
No, instead you need to throw insults or resort to trolling serious conversation.

Or when you ask for side-by-side comparisons from growers. Not prooving much. Science is only science when it fulfills its rigorous standards.

But you keep ignoring valid scientific information brought to you by peer-reviewed studies and also should know better considering some of this stuff you'll learn in the first semester.
Got yer panties in a bunch, or are you just trying to show us your insecurities? You are upset now, because I showed you a snip of my transcripts because you didn't believe that I'd taken hort classes in the past and also in the present? Get over yourself. The only insult I threw in this thread was at you, because you said something dumb, and I pointed it out. Put on your big girl pants and get over it, maybe pull your head out of a book and try growing some weed for real.