Coco master needed please


Well-Known Member
I made a mistake a few weeks ago that luckily I'm catching now I made 30 gallons of a combination of happy frog, ocean blend, coco coir perlite vermiculite with Gia greens in it...... only problem is my coco was bricks and what came with my first grow was coco in a bag so I knew nothing of buffering, which I'm now currently finished straining new bricks and about to buffet but question i have is taking a step back the coco that is mixed in with all the soil going to cause trouble unbuffered and unrised and if so can I just combat it with adding a quarter plus dose of strength or more per watering to counter the coir holding the cal mag?

More questions let's get into a fun theory, if there's nothing I can do to fix the mixed soil per say couldn't someone foliar spray the cal mag via rhe leaves consistently.


Well-Known Member
Guess you couldn't because you'd need to do it in flower aswell, so brings me to my next question eventually through time will the coir ever absorb enough cal mag to buffer itself from eventually leaching its max amount it can hold, or does that get flushed away in unused form in runoff


Well-Known Member
Kinda figured that as I was typing it lol .

I do enjoy Coco even ordered 10 more bricks even tho I'm throughly not enjoying breaking it up lol I'm gonna need it once these autos grow out the 1 gallon fabrics , speaking of that I plan on just putting the 1 gallons inside a 3 or 5 gallon just as is so you never have to disturb the roots, I'm doing the same with my 5 gallons into 10!
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Good idea?


Well-Known Member
Mycorrhizae up close, how flipping beautiful !!!!!!! I've had the most sucsess rooting clones in just straight water no hormone nuttin besides great white my theory held true it appears if even a root has at all whatsoever started the mycho attach and go to work the filaments are so Itty bit the slightest jingle of the glass waves them all around like blowing on one of those white cotton flower things lol super neat 20221119_201225.jpg20221119_201227.jpg20221119_201342.jpg20221119_201348.jpg20221119_201418.jpg