Coco feeding sched and PH advice!!


Well-Known Member
Yo guys! Hope your all good! As some of you know from previous posts this is my first time in coco... Ive been struggling a bit from the start with slow growth, mag deficiencies and finally...PH!

From the beginning I was treating coco like soil and have been on a feeding sched of water,feed,water,feed...I have recently found out that this is not good because coco unlike soil does not hold any nutrients what so ever. I am now going to feed everytime from next feed with half strength canna A&B with rhizo and calmax because of the mag defs!
*they are 4 weeks from rooted clones*

Also before i was setting the PH at 6.5 which i now no that this is a big no no! It is now set at 5.8 with little movement. My question is does this sound right to all you coco users?? Do you feed everytime or every other watering? No wonder my girls have been slow starters! Cheers!
DeeJay, my man we've been here before lol! I personally feed feed feed feed feed feed feed flush feed feed feed feed feed feed feed flush. Seriously! Sometimes I'll skip a flush and just continue with the feeding. My plants (we have 20+ strains) almost all enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the neighborhood of 900-1100ppm. You have all the right ingredients to make for a badass grow, you just have to dial everything in, which unfortunately takes time sometimes. Stick with a good feeding schedule and your ph in check and as long as most everything else is with in ballpark range you should do just fine. I'm rooting for ya man!
Stay Medicated,
West Coast Cultivation

PS. Check out some of my post yesterday with pics of some plants and their meds, they were grown in coco with good nutes and check out how frosty them girls got!


Im doing a first time grow in cocos aswell. Did a bit of research before i started and found out as you already stated that cocos is a neutral medium and has to be fed every thing it gets as it doesnt hold any nutes itself.

Im feeding my girls every time i water and they seem to love it, great growth and a pleasure to see every day when i get in that there is so much change in them.

Im using GT Ionic nutes which seem to be working really well for me. And also Hesi super vits with amino acids.

Started off on half strength whilst still babies and increased to full strength as soon as they went under 400w HPS on 18/6 light cycle with no problems apart from maybe a small nitrogen def which caused a bit of yellowing of the leaf tips, but as soon as they were getting proper feed that sorted itself out.

After a bit of brain picking with a mate i bought a ph and ec meter. Keeping ph to 5.8 and started off with a ec of 1 which i have now increased to about 1.3/1.5 as i have just started 12/12.

Again the girls are loving it(well they seem to be anyhow).

This is the latest pic that i have, a feminised Cheese grown from seed.



Also im pretty much treating it like soil and only watering when i see that the medium in the bottom of the pot has become quite dry.

Im just using the holes at the bottom of the pot to judge it.


Well-Known Member
I feed everytime, starting out at a quarter strength. Growth speeds up as plant grows and nutes increase.
DeeJay, my man we've been here before lol! I personally feed feed feed feed feed feed feed flush feed feed feed feed feed feed feed flush. Seriously! Sometimes I'll skip a flush and just continue with the feeding. My plants (we have 20+ strains) almost all enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the neighborhood of 900-1100ppm. You have all the right ingredients to make for a badass grow, you just have to dial everything in, which unfortunately takes time sometimes. Stick with a good feeding schedule and your ph in check and as long as most everything else is with in ballpark range you should do just fine. I'm rooting for ya man!
Stay Medicated,
West Coast Cultivation

PS. Check out some of my post yesterday with pics of some plants and their meds, they were grown in coco with good nutes and check out how frosty them girls got!
Im doing a first time grow in cocos aswell. Did a bit of research before i started and found out as you already stated that cocos is a neutral medium and has to be fed every thing it gets as it doesnt hold any nutes itself.

Im feeding my girls every time i water and they seem to love it, great growth and a pleasure to see every day when i get in that there is so much change in them.

Im using GT Ionic nutes which seem to be working really well for me. And also Hesi super vits with amino acids.

Started off on half strength whilst still babies and increased to full strength as soon as they went under 400w HPS on 18/6 light cycle with no problems apart from maybe a small nitrogen def which caused a bit of yellowing of the leaf tips, but as soon as they were getting proper feed that sorted itself out.

After a bit of brain picking with a mate i bought a ph and ec meter. Keeping ph to 5.8 and started off with a ec of 1 which i have now increased to about 1.3/1.5 as i have just started 12/12.

Again the girls are loving it(well they seem to be anyhow).

This is the latest pic that i have, a feminised Cheese grown from seed.
Thanks alot guys for the info, big help! @ westcoast...haha thanks bro Im trying my best not to lose my patience! At least ive started at the deep end with coco before using anything else! Im gonna get on to ur pics later mate and see how they are, just out at the moment! Again, thanks alot for the info, i dont know where i would be right now if it wasnt for all of you on here :)


Well-Known Member
West Coast Cultivation PS. Check out some of my post yesterday with pics of some plants and their meds said:
Niiiice looking buds bro! Frosty as hell! Wish mine will look like this haha!


Well-Known Member
Also im pretty much treating it like soil and only watering when i see that the medium in the bottom of the pot has become quite dry.
Im just using the holes at the bottom of the pot to judge it.
is that how you judge to water? I just put my finger in to the middle knuckle, if its a bit moist to the point where i can rub it off cleanly then i no its time. I have been watering every 4 days, gonna cut it down to every 3 now though!
DeeJay, Thanks for the nice comments on my pics. I always judge my watering based on the weight of the pots. If they are light they get fed, if they aren't as heavy I'll wait a day, if they are heavy I know I either just watered it or I have problems... When a plant quits taking up water and is still under light there's problems. Keep at it bro, you'll get it down in no time!

West Coast Cultivation


Yes m8. after posting on here bout using a wick feed system and Dee Tee giving me a bit of sound advice i went back to using a watering schedule pretty much like a houseplant. And to be honest it really is working out just fine.

Like i said im using the holes at the bottom of the pot as my guide, like yourself im feeling it with my fingers and what im doing is that if i cant feel enough moisture on my finger tip when i dip it into the hole (Hang on i might be posting this in the wrong forum. LOL) then i will water them. Like i said seems to be working for me!
Keep your fingers out of your plants pots... That's like having the doctor check your earache with his pointer finger instead of a scope, just doesn't make sense. My plants have a ton of feeder roots up top of the soil no matter how many times I cover them and my plants would freak the fuck out if I was always sticking my finger in them... I rarely use bamboo stakes for the same reason, tomatoe cages or a scrog does a lot less root wad damamge... Treat them girls like they are your babies and they will reward you I promise!

West Coast Cultivation


Cheers for the advice West Coast. But all im doing is placing the tip of my finger into the hole at the bottom of the pot just to see if there is any moisture left in the medium before i decide to water or not.

I can understand what you mean though, a bit like getting raped every other day doesnt help!

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Well-Known Member
in coco i feed feed feed feed feed feed ... water
always have run off to push liquid through medium and exchange what was old.
PH 5.8 - 6.0
Botanicaire food