im honestly not sure what the difference is between a fertilizer made for coco and one that isnt. but i would also assume that the amount of iron is different as well not just cal mag

if you dont mind me asking how much ppm's do you feed your plants? is 1200 ppm too much? if it is too much how much should i be feeding? please help i only have 2 grows under my belt with coco and you have years of experience

<3 :3
also i dont fertigate multiple times a day because my plant is small(29 days alive from seed) and my pot is big(3 gallon pot). dr.mj coco from coco for cannabis says that if your coco has enough perlite in it you can water again after the plant drinks up 10% of the water in the pot but my coco has no perlite in it lol.
i honestly believe that if i tried feeding multiple times a day i would run into over-watering issues. but maybe im wrong? dunno lol but i dont plan too find out