Coco and CalMag problem


I was reading around and saw something interesting about a person who soaked their coco mix with CalMag so that it did not need to be added throughout the feedings.. ever heard something like this?

I imagine when you soak and expand the coco brick you would add the CalMag or whatever nutrient with the water that is used to expand it and let it soak in. Does this work effectively? I am curious :joint:

Only reason I am asking of course is because coco is known to have problems with calmag deficiencies, does this solve it or at least help?


Well-Known Member
IMO Ca and Mg need to be added after around 5weeks of using the coco.

I add 2ml Ca and 2ml Mg in 18litres of water every time I mix my nutes after around week 4 of using coco.

If you pre buffer with Ca and Mg you could add too much and cause issue with over abundance of both which can cause deficiency symptoms of Ca if you add too much Mg and Mg symptoms with too much Ca.
