Cocaine, Heroine, and LSD are 3 of the 10 most expensive materials in the world


Well-Known Member
I know warnings went home, the amount of disinformation that got (and still gets) handed out about drugs is absurd and downright sinful. NIDA controls something like 85% of the grant money for the study of drugs and their mission is to show how terrible they are and bury any positives.
That pure MDMA isn't available to qualified mental health professionals is nothing short of sinful. My dad had PTSD from bein shot down over SE Asia and being the only survivor (and plenty of other horrific shit). The government needs to listen to the medical experts, not the fucking cops when it comes to drug policy.


Well-Known Member
Depends on how much you're buying and where, that's a damn good price for raw heroin unless you're in a major production center and that's a phenomenal price for acid. I don't know enough about the cocaine market to comment effectively, but what I do know about coke says its always a waste of money!


Well-Known Member
Blue is just a plot device, and Walt is making like 99.x according to the first season iirc, gale was like 96. I think Jesse was 96 or 98 on his solo cook in Mexico. Near enough it doesn't matter to the end user.
when you factor in purity $215 for a g of pure coke doesn't sound outrageous , 3.5g of 30% is only a little over a gram of pure.
Blue is actually a sign of meth that was made via Birch reduction where the cook used coleman fuel and didn't allow the reaction to become aggressive enough to break the bond. It's funny because that's the reason a lot of people recommend to start with coleman fuel because it's blue and when the reaction is complete it will be colorless. Giving the cook an idea when the reaction is finished.