Cocaine drug test

goddamn, please tell me the "govt job" is picking up trash at the white house of something menial. you sir/maa'am, are what we active duty/veterans call a stone. as in dumb as a...
LMTV driver. Perfect job for him. Huge bonuses, and you have to be either stupid or crazy to drive a hardball road in Afghanistan. Eh?

Just ballbustin' OP.
i seriously doubt this person should be allowed to do anything more difficult than shoe tying or not swallowing their tongue. maybe pog stamp licker.
2-5 days if they use a cheap in house test, but if they send it out for gc/ms it can be detected up to 90 days, especially if you are on the fat side. Drink lots of water from now till test time, I mean really hydrate, piss as much as possible,then day of the test piss as many times as you possibly can before going, never give a sample in the morning close to waking up, within a few hours, your urine is more concentrated then. Avoid those cheats like fake pee, it's a felony offense to try and fake a government pee test. Those test are not 100% and if the lab suspects you tried to cheat they CAN find out. Good luck and don't vote for politicians who support drug laws and we won't have these problems. Prohibition is the real crime.
goddamn, please tell me the "govt job" is picking up trash at the white house of something menial. you sir/maa'am, are what we active duty/veterans call a stone. as in dumb as a...
I agree I hope OP government job isn't something that's around children or super important

2-5 days if they use a cheap in house test, but if they send it out for gc/ms it can be detected up to 90 days, especially if you are on the fat side. Drink lots of water from now till test time, I mean really hydrate, piss as much as possible,then day of the test piss as many times as you possibly can before going, never give a sample in the morning close to waking up, within a few hours, your urine is more concentrated then. Avoid those cheats like fake pee, it's a felony offense to try and fake a government pee test. Those test are not 100% and if the lab suspects you tried to cheat they CAN find out. Good luck and don't vote for politicians who support drug laws and we won't have these problems. Prohibition is the real crime.

bad advice.

-there is no test, not even blood that can detect cocaine past a week, other than a hair follicle test.

-the "if you are on the fat side" statement ONLY refers to THC as it is a fat soluble drug, where cocaine, quite the OPPOSITE is a water soluble drug.

-IF the test were one of these tests he'd get a felony bringing fake piss to, it's an AUTOMATIC failure if you provide a dilute or "low spec grav" sample.

all the advice you gave is so 10 years ago. keep the bro science to yourself. the only part of your post with any credible statements are your last 2 sentences.
bad advice.

-there is no test, not even blood that can detect cocaine past a week, other than a hair follicle test.

-the "if you are on the fat side" statement ONLY refers to THC as it is a fat soluble drug, where cocaine, quite the OPPOSITE is a water soluble drug.

-IF the test were one of these tests he'd get a felony bringing fake piss to, it's an AUTOMATIC failure if you provide a dilute or "low spec grav" sample.

all the advice you gave is so 10 years ago. keep the bro science to yourself. the only part of your post with any credible statements are your last 2 sentences.
You are wrong
Gc/ms can and does detect cocaine way past a week. I have performed these tests which have resulted in many service members being prosecuted. The reagent test used in office can be fooled but not gc/ms. The metabolites can stay in fat cells up to 90 days, especially if the user does not hydrate properly. People like you giving bad advice has caused much harm. Folks think because they got away with it, the test aren't so accurate, when in reality they were either tested with a reagent test or not at all, but if it's sent to the lab for gc/ms, you're fucked if it's only been a week.
bad advice.

-there is no test, not even blood that can detect cocaine past a week, other than a hair follicle test.

-the "if you are on the fat side" statement ONLY refers to THC as it is a fat soluble drug, where cocaine, quite the OPPOSITE is a water soluble drug.

-IF the test were one of these tests he'd get a felony bringing fake piss to, it's an AUTOMATIC failure if you provide a dilute or "low spec grav" sample.

all the advice you gave is so 10 years ago. keep the bro science to yourself. the only part of your post with any credible statements are your last 2 sentences.
wrong!! If u are a daily heavy user and also drink a lot it can take up to 15 days