cocaine, damnit!!!!

is a little sprinkle such a bad thing?

  • oh my god, you're a crackhead!!!

    Votes: 33 45.2%
  • mmmmmmm, sounds tasty

    Votes: 40 54.8%

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Free coke is deff dangerous...especially if its good. I've never goten hooked, but I did my fair share back in college. I could get a ball for 60 bucks from a dealer friend. I stoped doing so much when I went over to dudes house and he had duct tape all over him and he said he had just been taped up at gunpoint and robbed and pistol whipped. That was enough for me...I coulda been there 20 min. earlier and been in a very bad situation

Thats classic! We had a friend come over with 2 8balls one night, and we watched him do 1 all to him self, but when he was leaving, he was freakin! Saying we stole his ball! Three hours he held us hostage in my apartment saying wwe stole from him! That was enough for me to not really get into it that much!
Now thats classic!....was he on all fours searching the carpet fibers for little specs of white!...I've seen some get on the floor for an hour thinking they shot a piece of coke off the table. They look like those monkeys that eat crap out of their monkey friends hair! That usually happens once the bag in empty though
It was bad, the guy would take us into the bathroom 1 by one tell us if we told him who took it he would give us half of it! Then he would feed us a line ad tell us he would give us a minute to think about it!
I used to be really into the stuff. Reading your post totally made me salivate.. mmm coca :roll:

Seriously though, I wouldn't be able to. I would smoke a little on a bowl and then I'd snort some up, eat some, then I would snort it all up and grab the phone and order some more!!

That stuff is seriously addictive and messes with my mind, I make sure to steer clear but that's just me, maybe you have more self control. I know I sure am glad I don't know where to get it anymore :mrgreen:

But seriously damn you, now I can't stop thinking about it.....
I used to be really into the stuff. Reading your post totally made me salivate.. mmm coca :roll:

Seriously though, I wouldn't be able to. I would smoke a little on a bowl and then I'd snort some up, eat some, then I would snort it all up and grab the phone and order some more!!

That stuff is seriously addictive and messes with my mind, I make sure to steer clear but that's just me, maybe you have more self control. I know I sure am glad I don't know where to get it anymore :mrgreen:

But seriously damn you, now I can't stop thinking about it.....

Its all mind control I know people that will do an 8ball in a nite next day won't touch it three months later still haven't touched it then a party comes up gets 2g a few weeks gets some more then go without for a while then another party or big event happens and they will pick up a little bit. Ikd i guess some people like it for certain things and don't let it get entangled in with there whole life.:peace:
I have always had mixed feelings on cocaine. I will admit that I do occasionally use it. By occasionally, I mean one or two times a year consistently over the last 5 years or so. It is always on a night when the Irish Whiskey has been flowing heavily. I would never even think about doing it when sober. Being jacked up and strung out like that is a terrible thing, and all you want to do is keep going. Actuall, now that I think about it, I hate cocaine. I remember this every time I do it, and I slowly forget that over the next 6 months. This year, it was Saint Patrick's Day and last weekend, so I am still fresh with enough hatred to last a few more months, or, hopefully, forever.

my friends uncle stayed with me for a couple of weeks. i took him to get a few ounces one night. we would snort a ball or two a night for like 3 weeks. he was crazy as fuck. i would go on a date and he would just snort and watch my pornos 24 hours a day lol with the volume real loud. my neighbors were probably like wtf. one night we snorted 2 balls and my heart started to feel like it was gonna explode. i wanted to go to the hospital. he talked me out of going. i layed down for hours forcing myself to breathe controlled to slow my heart down. for weeks i got high all night and slept all day. i told him i had to quit and kicked him out soon after.:mrgreen: every once in a while i like to snort and go to the titty club.:twisted:
Famous quote goes something like...

I never 4u@# with the coke i only smoke the sinsemilla...

The only pharmy i am in favor of is lsd and i guess synthetic mescaline but thats borderline pharmy...

I dont even take tylanol unless its really needed (high fever)...

Any hoo all natural if i can help it... =P
Like I posted on another post, getting away from the whole coke scene so far has been one of the best things I've ever done. I'm sure you know that FDD of all people! You got some of the best buds in the world... Let us know how it goes.
that's how i see it also. just the thought of getting into the whole "buying" scene after growing my own for so many years. the phones calls. the broken deals. the lost money. poor quality goods. blah, blah, blah........then everybody who gets involved wants to be scarface. i hate people who try to be all cool because they are turning a deal.:evil:

Haha so many memories brought up with that post. The worst is when they think they're fuckin scarface, it was like stfu already and give me coke. As soon as the dealeres handed me my bags I would peel off, with them in half sentence. Don't give em coke dealers a chance to talk!
trouble with coke off the street is your lucky if its 30% pure. so its a waste of time again. my weeds that good i don't need any coke man!!!!! :eyesmoke:
Thats classic! We had a friend come over with 2 8balls one night, and we watched him do 1 all to him self, but when he was leaving, he was freakin! Saying we stole his ball! Three hours he held us hostage in my apartment saying wwe stole from him! That was enough for me to not really get into it that much!

Haha that's crazy man, what an idiot.
at one point it was natural but the stuff you buy usually isnt all natural

Ya like when it was still a plant before they added all that crap that goes into it to make it a street drug...

I always did want to try it when it was still in a natural paste state... This is where it gets ground up and concentrated but before they add the chemicals... From what i remember reading about it... I think i will read about the process again this weekend just for grinz...

But that was awhile ago and my only interests now are computers, music and jane...

And an occasional dank beer... Mmmmmm thick stout blackness... =P
Like many of you have posted, I too have been to hell and back with coke. I'm not going to say yeah or nay on it cause it's apparently very different person to person.
I can handle many 1 or 2 lines every now and then but it's under VERY strict self control. Like if it's been a long night at the bar then to an after party then the rails, but If i were to have one in the evening when your just getting going that's it. Bye Bye bank acount and hello dealing weed for coke!

Another thing I couldn't do and which pertains most for me to this thread is. If I had a snow cap. str8 weed just wouldn't seem the same. It would always be missing that little kick.

Like my dad said about acid when I was young. I think everyone should try it at least once. he just told me to be prepared for it.
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