Coca Plant

I think it takes 2 years to harvest is the main problem poppies 3 months

i researched growing coca plants out of curiosity and the first thing i learned was that it takes around two years for the plant to be mature enough to use its leaves, this plant also requires a tropical climate at altitudes higher than 500' above sea level (thats why it only grows on mountain sides in places like the caribbean and south america)

as for growing outside, a typical rule of thumb is that if you cant grow coffee in your climate then you cant grow coca plants

also it takes 100-150 kilograms of leaves to get 1 kilogram of PASTE, then you have to convert it to base form, then to crystal form

btw cocaine can be fun but it takes a strong person to know when to stop

i think this is an american site but try this:
I heard some people get paid 70 thousand dollars for a 1kg of paste? So I suppose it's worth the 100kgs of leaves.
I heard some people get paid 70 thousand dollars for a 1kg of paste? So I suppose it's worth the 100kgs of leaves.

You need leaves for a 1kg of cocaine 1000kg of leaves !! and in US to Europe they paid for a 1kg paste 40.000-80.000£/$/e

but this site is talk about roll not snort man.. so go some snort site guys.. there you might found Snortting Maradona too, ask him ;)
you dont have to make cocaine. you can just chew leaves for effect.

thats why this plant is cool, but i dont know much about it, though..
coca plant can be big:


and even small

i think you can grow it indoors just like marijuana plant. you can keep it small by trimming it. but you wont be able to grow it big enough for making cocaine. hovever chewing natural leaves is cooler than use drugs.

i think it can grow everywhere. its a tree god damn it :)
pure coke? probably cut to fuckry.

thats like what $360 per Oz? looking about £700-800 per Oz here for half decent shit

ya its not paste but its a fresh brick! then it gets cut down from there! at least thats how my "friends" would do it... but the brick is the best it would be until it hits the runners... then who knows what happends to it then haha... We get em for about 350 an O give flip it make 500-600 an O... sellin it but the g who knows...
shit.. damn if you gettin brick onions for 350. I wanna live where you do.

good white will run about a g per onion.
Where I come from speed is meth. Also ectasy is often cut with speed. I wanted to get a coca plant to make tea and try chewin a leaf or two while im working lol. 5 years no bueno. I once smoked off a brick of PURE opium my buddy had, and it was great, although he finished that brick and had some shitty detox for like 2 weeks. It seems really hard to come by, and if someone says they have it, its probably bullshit. You gotta smell it or smoke it. The stuff we had was like black tar, sorta moist, and smelled and tasted EXACTLY like beautiful flowers.

enlighten me my friend, im a great lover of mdma, have tried ketamine, meth once by mistake, some polish guy told me it was mdma when he knew it wasnt, crack once, speed, ectasy, a few more in there but cant think at the mo. but i rate cocaine very highly depending on the quality, and the amount of course.
does anyone here know....

would that coca plant used for making cocaine grow outdoors in the uk? if not then would it grow indoors under grow lights?

also anyone know where to get some seeds or clones?
You can't use the seeds due to the rarity ($20,000) and the seeds die quickly so clones are the way to grow the coca plant BUT if you can "get" a coca clone (nice sounding name coca clone) across the DEA lines then .... well tell me because that's as hard as the using of cocaine after you find out how it's made. It is a sidewalk of calcium, gasoline, and coca juice. Best to abstract the elements inside the leaf of the plant that has the nutrients and cut the last line with cocaine as we know it. FIND A CLONE and "get" it to you to grow like a cannabis plant.
Hmmmm curious of this one to will someone reply please! lol
You can't use the seeds due to the rarity ($20,000) and the seeds die quickly so clones are the way to grow the coca plant BUT if you can "get" a coca clone (nice sounding name coca clone) across the DEA lines then .... well tell me because that's as hard as the using of cocaine after you find out how it's made. It is a sidewalk of calcium, gasoline, and coca juice. Best to abstract the elements inside the leaf of the plant that has the nutrients and cut the last line with cocaine as we know it. FIND A CLONE and "get" it to you to grow like a cannabis plant.