COB Spectral Quality Thread

Here is a cree 4 channel full spectrum using the NASA guidelines for red, blue, white, etc

each board is 50w I believe and you can put them together into a 650w style panel similar to ChilledLed grow light, or find a cob that has the same profile
really NASA gets it wrong? full spectrum is the present and future here is a video

Hey Vegas I like reading your posts, because a lot of the time I see you are on point, but when it comes to NASA they are off the Bs chart, for one I can remember when LEDs first started coming out they tried to claim green light was useless and reflected by the plant, years later they went on to retract that statement, but because of their Green claim and the famous chlorophyll A & B graphs that is why Blurple was so popular back then.

Check out one of NASA's founding fathers gravestones, why would he have PSALMS 19.1 on his plaque?

I think they are all putting out the same ppf, just a different, more balanced spd. At least when I measure ppfd the 80s and 90s are well within margins of error in similar conditions.

It isn't like the power going to the cobs is any different and the amount of waste heat is the same so that remaining power is being used for light somehow.

Spot on;), pretty much said the same a while back on another thread!
Hey Vegas I like reading your posts, because a lot of the time I see you are on point, but when it comes to NASA they are off the Bs chart, for one I can remember when LEDs first started coming out they tried to claim green light was useless and reflected by the plant, years later they went on to retract that statement, but because of their Green claim and the famous chlorophyll A & B graphs that is why Blurple was so popular back then.

Check out one of NASA's founding fathers gravestones, why would he have PSALMS 19.1 on his plaque?


Well on the defense of NASA, they could only go on the research they had at the time. Techniques and technologies improve, discoveries are made, we advance as a species. Bleeding edge also means taking risks and that means time and money.

Not being religious, I can understand how the saying is appropriate in the literal sense though. The simpler answer to your question though is:

because he wanted it

Hey Vegas I like reading your posts, because a lot of the time I see you are on point, but when it comes to NASA they are off the Bs chart, for one I can remember when LEDs first started coming out they tried to claim green light was useless and reflected by the plant, years later they went on to retract that statement, but because of their Green claim and the famous chlorophyll A & B graphs that is why Blurple was so popular back then.

Check out one of NASA's founding fathers gravestones, why would he have PSALMS 19.1 on his plaque?

its kinda funny because for a long time before he was brought here to the usa,he was killing jews daily to make them work faster,so i highly doubt the heavens accepted that fucker at all lmao.fact is i doubt it was his or his families choice to put that paasage on his stone,prob the us gov did that.
its kinda funny because for a long time before he was brought here to the usa,he was killing jews daily to make them work faster,so i highly doubt the heavens accepted that fucker at all lmao.fact is i doubt it was his or his families choice to put that paasage on his stone,prob the us gov did that.
operation paperclip.......yeah most of the basis for our modern technological society began almost....dna is one fucked organism
Well on the defense of NASA, they could only go on the research they had at the time. Techniques and technologies improve, discoveries are made, we advance as a species. Bleeding edge also means taking risks and that means time and money.

If memory serves me correct pretty certain the Japanese had figured out the importance of Green light back in early mid - late 2000 when LEDs were still the stuff of secrets. So that means whilst NASA with its mega budget was looking down the wrong alley, some little Japanese dude on a poxy research grant had it sussed way back before it was even fashionable:lol:

Not being religious, I can understand how the saying is appropriate in the literal sense though.

Hmmm ok gonna bite, what do you mean???:peace:
its kinda funny because for a long time before he was brought here to the usa,he was killing jews daily to make them work faster,so i highly doubt the heavens accepted that fucker at all lmao.fact is i doubt it was his or his families choice to put that paasage on his stone,prob the us gov did that.

Yeah it is kinda funny, but it's also very fishy.

Lmao for sure he is going down not up:lol:

Personally I think the reference on his plaque is a bit of a jokes on us type of situation... For instance why do Nasa only show composites of the earth but no "actual real" photographs?

They claim to have high Res images here in the first article, so let's take a look to see if they are simply composite images or actual photographs?


Link above linked from here;

Only one problem with the pics above... Clue... bear in mind the "whole" earth is covered in a very very thick atmosphere, think about planes flying above the clouds what do they see below them?... Now think about that view from "outer" space?


.. Now see if you can spot the problem with the NASA high Res earth pictorial narrative?
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operation paperclip.......yeah most of the basis for our modern technological society began almost....dna is one fucked organism

Dna it's information encoded in genetic material riiight?... Hmmm I wonder who wrote the code?

Maybe it was that uber massive explosion called the big bang?

Strange thing is when have you ever known an explosion to create anything?

Hmmm I guess this was a one of a kind special explosion?

.... Ahhh heck it's all scientism theory anyway isn't it?
If memory serves me correct pretty certain the Japanese had figured out the importance of Green light back in early mid - late 2000 when LEDs were still the stuff of secrets. So that means whilst NASA with its mega budget was looking down the wrong alley, some little Japanese dude on a poxy research grant had it sussed way back before it was even fashionable:lol:

Hmmm ok gonna bite, what do you mean???:peace:

Literal sense looked at through my philosophical lens has it being that he was part of smashing that glass ceiling of getting to the heavens

Guess you have to look at it from an ironic perspective ;)
Hey Vegas I like reading your posts, because a lot of the time I see you are on point, but when it comes to NASA they are off the Bs chart, for one I can remember when LEDs first started coming out they tried to claim green light was useless and reflected by the plant, years later they went on to retract that statement, but because of their Green claim and the famous chlorophyll A & B graphs that is why Blurple was so popular back then.

Check out one of NASA's founding fathers gravestones, why would he have PSALMS 19.1 on his plaque?

NASA is larger than one person. Currently, NASA, Kennedy Space Center is doing research on light sperctrum and it's effect on various plants. Number one outcome is you need both red and blue light spectrum to grow healthy plants. NASA has money for research. Everything NASA does I do not aghree w8ith but I can utilize their research along with other Horticulture groups that seem to agree with this same basic research.
BTW, if you checked out Vitaly he uses White, Blue, and Red leds to get the most productive light spectrum and he also does commercial grow lights for MMJ community.
its kinda funny because for a long time before he was brought here to the usa,he was killing jews daily to make them work faster,so i highly doubt the heavens accepted that fucker at all lmao.fact is i doubt it was his or his families choice to put that paasage on his stone,prob the us gov did that.
I am not Christian and do not uphold Christian concepts of Heaven and hell being a final destination. I observe Heaven and Hell as life states and nothing more, here and now.
I am not Christian and do not uphold Christian concepts of Heaven and hell being a final destination. I observe Heaven and Hell as life states and nothing more, here and now.
it was more about nasa lies then it was about heaven and hell lol.nasa doesnt tell us they had a nazi scientist who killed jews by the hundreds come work for them and help them get a rocket that would take them to the moon