• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Coalition Oversight-Audit Application into Coalition Finances


Well-Known Member
the focus is on the funds and what they did with them
the extortion - CONroy went to Branch McMasters to get 5% of the breach of privacy suit. the person with the actual proof/involvement hasn't filled out the paperwork to go after him.he probably won't as it has been years. he is also very sick right now.
CONroy wanted the 5% because he's John CONroy. no other reason.
the kidnapping-well that one is pretty serious and maybe shouldn't have been mentioned a it is very much by the wayside and not being persued at this time..that i know of


Well-Known Member
Been watching this thread for awhile and I am trying to decide what to believe. Nadine if you want people to believe your side please clarify the following statement that you made in the beginning of this thread - Allegations of criminal misconduct include:

· Theft of property and funds; and

· Misappropriation of funds; and

· Money laundering; and

· Kidnapping; and

· Extortion; and

· Issuing and posting online intimidation and death threats.

You keep demanding that Conroy /Wilcocks give you financial records. As you are not a client of Conroy explain to me what right you have to these records as you are not Conroys client. I believe that the crown kept trying to get this information also during the trail and the judge shut Crown down on these attempts as it is none of the crowns business as to the financial affairs of the coalition or their lawyers which are also not yours . Looks to me that you have zero evidence of wrong doing and are only trying to stir up shit. I will support you if you can prove that there is wrong doing but the only thing I see is you opening the door to a lawsuit for defamation of character lawsuit against yourself. When others ask these same questions you attack them example your last post. To clarify I have zero association with the Coalition or their legal team I live on the east coast. You call it the failed Allard Action please explain as I have not seen the court ruling that states this. Also remember that after I or you have donated money to a cause you or I have no right to how it is spent. It is you who has tossed around accusation of criminal wrong doing if there is a crime that has been committed go to the police. So please provide evidence if you want people to support you. As to Wilcocks has a new camera or he took a trip that is not evidence of wrong doing. My understanding of you tube is that you can make money from it maybe that is where the funds for a new CAMERA came from. If the money came from coalition funds and is now being used to raise more funds for the case that would seen like a reasonable use of the money. Remember you came here and started all of this so now put up or shut up


Well-Known Member
the focus is on the funds and what they did with them
the extortion - CONroy went to Branch McMasters to get 5% of the breach of privacy suit. the person with the actual proof/involvement hasn't filled out the paperwork to go after him.he probably won't as it has been years. he is also very sick right now.
CONroy wanted the 5% because he's John CONroy. no other reason.
the kidnapping-well that one is pretty serious and maybe shouldn't have been mentioned a it is very much by the wayside and not being persued at this time..that i know of
No offence dude, but how does someone not "persue a kidnapping charge at this time"? If you know a serious crime (kidnapping) has been committed, and have evidence to that fact and don't report it...that's called Obstruction of Justice I believe?!?!


Well-Known Member
Vianarchris, I do not need your support nor do I care what you think, I am an independent non-designated forensic auditor and federal compliance officer as a result of my occupation and profession,therefore this is absolutely nothing personal but another work in progress. Vianarchris, it is painfully obvious that you and your mate RediJedi are preoccupied with something that is none of your business and have failed to grasp the most important fact that patients have been misled and robbed of almost one million dollars and are being labelled as criminals instead of as patients because of the failed Allard Action..It certainly appears, from a forensic auditor's perspective, that you are either a benefactor of Wilcox's largesse or else you are one of his 'minions' phishing for information on a matter that is absolutely none of your business...Vianarchris thanks for your concern but let me worry about the legal and other ramifications of posting public notice of same....it is none of your business unless you are a pervert and are fascinated by matters of control and power being exercised over another person through duress or force...and once again just be thankful that it did not happen to you or someone you love or else you may be surrounding yourself with needless negative and highly toxic energy and shall reap the rewards of same.
So because I disagree with your tactics, I'm a Wilcox minion? Seriously? You just blew ANY credibility you may have had. I have never met any of the parties involved and I don't much care about any of you. You made this my business by posting on a forum and inviting comments. You just made it personal. I hope you get your ass sued.


Well-Known Member
No offence dude, but how does someone not "persue a kidnapping charge at this time"? If you know a serious crime (kidnapping) has been committed, and have evidence to that fact and don't report it...that's called Obstruction of Justice I believe?!?!
no offense taken
i don't know about that part of this..that's why i said "that i know of"
i very much believe these guys are and were not upfront about the money aspect.


Well-Known Member
What does "independent non-designated forensic auditor and federal compliance officer" actually mean ? I think that Nadine Bews sounds like somebody with a huge chip on their shoulder. I repeat what I wrote the other day : too many cops like to stir shit on these kind of boards, and one always has to wonder about agents provocoteurs. And what's with the notion of " failed Allard case ? "

Nadine, you make no sense. None. Some of the stuff you write rambles on like the good Mr. Turmel. I think you must waste alot of your life ranting and raving. Where does it get you in the end ?



Well-Known Member
And what's with the notion of " failed Allard case ? "
I believe it is because only half of the mmar got covered by the injunction and you cannot move your garden without losing the protection of the injunction.
She may also be of the thought that med patients will be on the losing end of phelans decision when it is handed down.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
You guys are out to lunch big time. Donated money ALWAYS needs to have accounting done. She's asking for this accounting. I donated and I also want answers as to where, when and how it was spent. That's the responsibility they took on when they solicited funds...and they sure did SOLICIT plenty. Asking for DONATION to a particular cause....all layed out too what they want and intended to do.
So sitting back and saying " oh well " they spent it is NOT GOOD enough. JUst on the face of this it looks wrong.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
What does "independent non-designated forensic auditor and federal compliance officer" actually mean ? I think that Nadine Bews sounds like somebody with a huge chip on their shoulder. I repeat what I wrote the other day : too many cops like to stir shit on these kind of boards, and one always has to wonder about agents provocoteurs. And what's with the notion of " failed Allard case ? "

Nadine, you make no sense. None. Some of the stuff you write rambles on like the good Mr. Turmel. I think you must waste alot of your life ranting and raving. Where does it get you in the end ?

She sounds smarter than you do...case closed. Bet you never donated a dime.


Well-Known Member
Hippy I completely understand that you want to know what the money you donated was used for. But ask any charity or fund raising effort where every penny was spent and they will tell you none of your business. The judge has not ruled on this case so for Nadine to be tossing out allegations of criminal activity makes her sound more like a cop trolling to get people all worked up on the forums. So I ask you this if the Judge rules in the coalitions favor will you still think that your money was wasted or misused? I think we all need to wait until a ruling is delivered by the judge. Nadine ( independent non-designated forensic auditor and federal compliance officer ) you are anything but that, more like a person that has an axe to grind. As for Conroy screwing up because he did this and not that during the legal maneuvering leading up to,during and after the trial I am sure he knows the finer points of law and legal strategies than any for us here. At least i hope he would. As for the LOCK BOXES I really got to shake my head at people thinking that there is going to be records of what was placed in them. Who is to say maybe there are records I don't know if they kept any do you know Nadine if there was records. Some boxes may have had nothing in them some may have had a pile of money hopefully it is all being used for the case. Some people believe that they have a say in how the money collected is used ahh no they can only hope it is used properly and not misused. The only book keeping that I think was done is Conroy's staff keeping detailed billing records. Remember he is not doing this for free he most likely has a large staff that also needs to be paid wages and them folk are not cheap. so if he had any control of the donations Iam sure he is not letting it get misused. Experts had to be paid and they are also not cheap as they had to prepare for their testimony and travel plus their expenses. So Nadine if you have no proof but only unfounded allegations stop stirring up the masses. I am really interested in hearing all about your kidnapping Nadine when did it happen? who did it? and please don't leave out the part about how you escaped the evil coalition. And most important why are the police not doing anything about this KIDNAPPING So I say Nadine put up or hook up your paddywagon and move on.


Well-Known Member
Hippy I completely understand that you want to know what the money you donated was used for. But ask any charity or fund raising effort where every penny was spent and they will tell you none of your business. The judge has not ruled on this case so for Nadine to be tossing out allegations of criminal activity makes her sound more like a cop trolling to get people all worked up on the forums. So I ask you this if the Judge rules in the coalitions favor will you still think that your money was wasted or misused? I think we all need to wait until a ruling is delivered by the judge. Nadine ( independent non-designated forensic auditor and federal compliance officer ) you are anything but that, more like a person that has an axe to grind. As for Conroy screwing up because he did this and not that during the legal maneuvering leading up to,during and after the trial I am sure he knows the finer points of law and legal strategies than any for us here. At least i hope he would. As for the LOCK BOXES I really got to shake my head at people thinking that there is going to be records of what was placed in them. Who is to say maybe there are records I don't know if they kept any do you know Nadine if there was records. Some boxes may have had nothing in them some may have had a pile of money hopefully it is all being used for the case. Some people believe that they have a say in how the money collected is used ahh no they can only hope it is used properly and not misused. The only book keeping that I think was done is Conroy's staff keeping detailed billing records. Remember he is not doing this for free he most likely has a large staff that also needs to be paid wages and them folk are not cheap. so if he had any control of the donations Iam sure he is not letting it get misused. Experts had to be paid and they are also not cheap as they had to prepare for their testimony and travel plus their expenses. So Nadine if you have no proof but only unfounded allegations stop stirring up the masses. I am really interested in hearing all about your kidnapping Nadine when did it happen? who did it? and please don't leave out the part about how you escaped the evil coalition. And most important why are the police not doing anything about this KIDNAPPING So I say Nadine put up or hook up your paddywagon and move on.
I'll state again I and everyone here would have never had a problem with the donation IF it was up front that a big part of the "Donations To Conroy" were going to be used for fancy parties, trip across Canada, high level video production and promotion of the Cannabis Coalition. I don't think any MMAR licensee gives a flying fuck about the coalition. The donations where suppose to be to pay for a lawyer not for helping to building some coalition.


Well-Known Member
I think the fact that Nadine immediately accused me of being some sort of Wilcox operative as a rebuttal for me pointing out inconsistencies, and then goes silent, says a lot about her story. She is a pissed off woman with a personal axe to grind and because she has no grounds for a civil or criminal action, she is using this forum to gain attention. It may not be the attention she wants...if I were being falsely accused of kidnap and extortion I wouldn't sit back and take it.


Well-Known Member
So let me get this right CannaReview you are upset that the name that the organization that is paying the bill is not called the Donate to Conroy fund. My understanding was that it was originally called MMAR Coalition for Repeal. The name may have changed along the way but if the objective is people get to keep their gardens who cares what it is called and if that organization also collects and uses funds for other activities that advance the cause I say thank you to them. If they used money to travel to be able to raise more money to pay the legal bill so be it than it is money well spent. Some times you need to spend a little to make more money for the "Donate to Conroy fund " If the coalition is helping other Cannabis advancing causes Bravo no one said that they can only support this one cause. As to the high level video production no it is not high level maybe middle of the pack possibly a little lower production. I did not think it was any better than most vids on You tube. So lets all calm down and await the ruling from the judge.


Well-Known Member
Dear Hippy.......well you are dead wrong about my donations. Last one was last week. Wanna see receipts? As for who is the smarter : it's not me that comes across as a large, class A asshole. Go look in a mirror. RCMP or dirt ass local cop ? Fool.


Well-Known Member
There was never any up front statements that donations for Conroy to take the case were going to be used for anything else. Everyone I know that donated thought it was going straight to Conroy. I never for that fact donated just like I refused to put up noticed in my shop for the donations when they were going around hydro stores to ask for donations.

My answer YES I don't think its right to ask for donations stating they are for the lawsuit/Allard and then used them to put on parties and used as travel expenses especially if the person donating thinks the money will be going to Conroy only. No one I know gives a flying fuck about the coalition they donated to the court case.

Also did you miss the straight up lie in this video where he spreads FUD of Conroy walking away because of no money and we need more donations then an later he says there's a substantial amount put away already. WTF?
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Well-Known Member
I have only watched a small amount of Wilcocks 's videos as I don't find him that interesting, he does mix up his facts a lot and babbles a bit . That said this is what I understand
1 people donated money to pay Conroy
2. Conroy got paid a lot of money and there is money held in trust (correct me if I am wrong about this I don't know the amounts if some one does let us know )
3. Conroy is still owed a lot of money
4 Conroy has staff and other people that he has to pay for their time or services They will keep real close track of what is owed to the law Firm they are not doing it for free
5 There were more than just Conroy working as a legal team ( other lawyers) they need to get paid also as they also have staff to pay.
6 If he Conroy is still owed money and thought for one second that he was getting screwed or the money was being misspent I am sure he would be the one going to the cops as you said the money was collected to pay him for his services.
7 In the videos that I saw Wilcock is soliciting for support and donations to the coalition or what ever he calls it which is supporting the Allard case I don't see what is wrong with this. If you do not wish too donate to his group simple don't
8 If Wilcocks and Conroy have a client lawyer arrangement would that not be protected information ( if anyone one knows please speak up )
9 Nadine has made allegations against Wilcock and Conroy serious criminal allegations and when asked for some clarification by others on this forum as to why the police are not investigating she has only attack them
10 The longer the judge waits to hand down his decision the more people are getting nasty and turning on one another on these forums hope to hell he does it soon.
Last # 11 Wilcock's personnel finances are his business. If he is making money from his videos and doing advertising on them good for him to question that is jealousy pure an simple. the only people he needs to let know is the tax man
So if i missed anything please speak up but facts please not unsupported allegations or jealous statements NOW LET's ALL WAIT IMPATIENTLY FOR DA JUDGE TO RULE
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Nadine Bews

Well-Known Member
I have only watched a small amount of Wilcocks 's videos as I don't find him that interesting, he does mix up his facts a lot and babbles a bit . That said this is what I understand
1 people donated money to pay Conroy
2. Conroy got paid a lot of money and there is money held in trust (correct me if I am wrong about this I don't know the amounts if some one does let us know )
3. Conroy is still owed a lot of money
4 Conroy has staff and other people that he has to pay for their time or services They will keep real close track of what is owed to the law Firm they are not doing it for free
5 There were more than just Conroy working as a legal team ( other lawyers) they need to get paid also as they also have staff to pay.
6 If he Conroy is still owed money and thought for one second that he was getting screwed or the money was being misspent I am sure he would be the one going to the cops as you said the money was collected to pay him for his services.
7 In the videos that I saw Wilcock is soliciting for support and donations to the coalition or what ever he calls it which is supporting the Allard case I don't see what is wrong with this. If you do not wish too donate to his group simple don't
8 If Wilcocks and Conroy have a client lawyer arrangement would that not be protected information ( if anyone one knows please speak up )
9 Nadine has made allegations against Wilcock and Conroy serious criminal allegations and when asked for some clarification by others on this forum as to why the police are not investigating she has only attack them
10 The longer the judge waits to hand down his decision the more people are getting nasty and turning on one another on these forums hope to hell he does it soon.
Last # 11 Wilcock's personnel finances are his business. If he is making money from his videos and doing advertising on them good for him to question that is jealousy pure an simple. the only people he needs to let know is the tax man
So if i missed anything please speak up but facts please not unsupported allegations or jealous statements NOW LET's ALL WAIT IMPATIENTLY FOR DA JUDGE TO RULE
Kev042, you have prepared an excellent summary of the contents of many hours of Wilcox's videos. Wilcox should have invested a few of those camera-equipment dollars into a great interpreter and writer like you and then folks would not have to sit, watch and listen and then hopefully be able to decode hours and hours of video. Instead Wilcox's supporters and fans could read on paper in about one or two minutes exactly what his intentions are. Wilcox could clearly lay out his short-term, intermediate and long-term objectives and how he intends to achieve those objectives and if his objectives are flexible in which direction are they going thereby eliminating all of the chaos and confusion...not unlike recording your objectives and methods on paper in the form of a 'position paper', Wilcox should prepare financial reports on his activities for his own financial management and investment planning purposes, because one cannot determine best future direction without a clear understanding of where you have been. This is why a bank always insists upon a precise concise 'business plan' before they will lend you a farthing...you can go in and talk and talk but you will not get one red cent until you clearly articulate your proposal on paper. A business plan is called a 'living document', as opposed to a static document such as a receipt, because it should not only be prepared for the bank manager but also for your own financial management purposes so that you may assess if the financial position of your business enterprise is consistent with the proposal's objectives, timeline and budget and then you can assess what went right or wrong for future planning....unfortunately, all of this, including a writer and more is missing from the Coalition and most likely to remain so..
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Well-Known Member
Nadine thanks for taking the time to read my posts. After reading your last post there are some points that made me wonder what are you upset with Wilcox's about because he did not write out a business plan to get a loan from a bank. Yes if they went to a bank to get a loan than the bank would as you said not give them a farthing without a concise detailed business plan but they are not seeking a business loan so lets forget that one shall we. Moving along lets look at position paper easy short term and long term goals raise money for Cannabis Rights Coalition through fund raising events and personal donations You state that "Wilcox should prepare financial reports on his activities for his own financial management and investment planning purposes" pretty sure that they are not investing any of the funds. Also why would he have to tell you or expose his personal finance's to you. Why don't you go first and post all of your finances like is the crown paying you to stir people up. Remember the crown tried during the trial to find out where the funding was coming from the only reason was so that they can try to cut off the funding and the Judge shut them down as it is none of the Crown's business to know that info . So what make you anymore entitled to that info please explain not with a bunch of accounting talk as most of us are not in the accounting business. I did a little bit of googling and surprise I found that the correct name is Cannabis Rights Coalition and they have a website of the same name. I do apologize to Jason Wilcox as I was calling him Wilcocks my bad sorry On this website there is a link to Conroy and Company. Surprise on this site (Conroy's web site) there are updates the last one dated Nov 2015 there is a 8 page update as to the case including info on the arrangement with Coalition. In this update Conroy states that Wilcox and the Coalition have retained his law firm. To me that means that anything that they discuss or do is protected information you know client/ lawyer same as patient/doctor. They do not have to tell anyone their business. Which makes me think some one is only trying to stir up shit as they would/should know that is private info. It also stated that cash donations to the trust fund are not accepted only checks money orders paypal guess this is for accounting purposes and record keeping (tax man will want to know $ amounts ). Funds raise by the Coalition have to be changed to checks or transferred to the trust for further record keeping. Conroy also stated that he has instructed Wilcox not to disclose the finance's to protect the ID of the people that have donated money they have a right to privacy. So please Nadine explain on what legal grounds do you have to demand their records. As to the allegations of Kidnapping and other crimes that you claim you need to explain them other wise you can not be taken seriously. If these claims where just you tossing out unfounded allegations you need to start to explain why you made them. Did you make them to attract support for yourself or did the little voice of the Crown whisper them in your ear. Remember you started this now you need to explain if you want people to believe your story. So put up or crawl back under the crown's toad stool.


Well-Known Member
Kev042, you have prepared an excellent summary of the contents of many hours of Wilcox's videos. Wilcox should have invested a few of those camera-equipment dollars into a great interpreter and writer like you and then folks would not have to sit, watch and listen and then hopefully be able to decode hours and hours of video. Instead Wilcox's supporters and fans could read on paper in about one or two minutes exactly what his intentions are. Wilcox could clearly lay out his short-term, intermediate and long-term objectives and how he intends to achieve those objectives and if his objectives are flexible in which direction are they going thereby eliminating all of the chaos and confusion...not unlike recording your objectives and methods on paper in the form of a 'position paper', Wilcox should prepare financial reports on his activities for his own financial management and investment planning purposes, because one cannot determine best future direction without a clear understanding of where you have been. This is why a bank always insists upon a precise concise 'business plan' before they will lend you a farthing...you can go in and talk and talk but you will not get one red cent until you clearly articulate your proposal on paper. A business plan is called a 'living document', as opposed to a static document such as a receipt, because it should not only be prepared for the bank manager but also for your own financial management purposes so that you may assess if the financial position of your business enterprise is consistent with the proposal's objectives, timeline and budget and then you can assess what went right or wrong for future planning....unfortunately, all of this, including a writer and more is missing from the Coalition and most likely to remain so..
Why is your independent, remote ( read: imagined) assessment of a Wilcox 'business plan' relevant? I didn't know, nor is it my business, that he had applied for a business loan, how is it your concern? It seems you take every opportunity to slag Wilcox while refusing to provide evidence and attacking anyone that questions your motives. My guess is the coalition members saw the type of angry, vindictive woman you could be, and kicked you to the curb. I'm not saying that to be mean, it's just the perception I have. If there was a theft of funds, which is different than a perceived misuse, than I think there would be far more effective ways of having that investigated than coming on here to ask a lawyer to respond to your demands. I don't know Wilcox any more than I know you, but you aren't doing yourself or donators any favours arguing your case here. Just sayin'