

Active Member
Guys, we all know why CO2 is used and it's benefits. I have seen recently a video on Youtube where a guy who uses a CO2 set up mentions that if you don't have this option you can spray Soda Water on your budding plants. Im wanting to do this and wan't to know. Should I keep my spray bottle in the fridge. Will the temperature being cold shock my plants. Should I just keep the Soda Water at room temperature in the spray bottle. Will I loose too much of the CO2 in the Soda Water if it isn't kept refrigerated. Some much appreciated advice please. Peace dudes.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's worth the time and effort personally, and there is an added risk of burning the plants. Your effort is better spent on better ventilation, which can increase CO2 flow in a big way. That being said, if you want to do it, DEFINITELY keep it at room temperature. As long as the bottle is closed, I don't see why you'd lose more CO2 at room temperature. Anything added to the plants should be around the same temperature, or else it will cause unnecessary stress.