

Well-Known Member
I actually seen a grow store here that sells the home made co2 in bags, I guess they make it themselves and sell it in a big brick.


Active Member
Its still best to know how to do the math or work on timers because these controllers do go out at some point .....
lol, true. The tricky part is figuring out how much your room loses the Co2, so that you know the correct re-injection amount and when to inject so you keep the numbers up as much as possible. I spent about $70 on the Co2 collection kit and 10 spare test vial, ran many tests to get levels, and then ended up with my formula. Which makes me think...something I should have mentioned, my formula is for my space, for anyone else's space, it could be much different. I have a sealed environment, and the more cracks or whatever to let the Co2 out/ O2 in, can greatly change everything. But for a sealed environment, 2 hr injections and 1/3 the length of the initial injection. Of course, if you open doors or whatever, you have to start over with an initial injection to fill the entire room.
Sorry, I keep blabbering lol, hopefully someone will get something out of it. :)



Ursus marijanus
Does anyone make a CO2 meter that has its readout on the other side of the growroom wall? I would love to monitor CO2 without having to use a pesky handheld or one of those all-one-box plugins.
cheers 'neer


Active Member
There's a bucket CO2 system that might work for a smaller space. The only way to know is get a monitor and use it. Its an organic bacteria thing that breaks down organic matter and spits out CO2. That's a very simplistic description but most hydro stores have them. I have a CAP generator and monitor but it's hot, it smells, and my flower room is not small so I have to use 10 gal a week for eight weeks. But OMFG does it ever work.
I've used the bucket, had 2 of em in a very small space,
#1 major pain changing the sugar and all that goes with it,
If you let your culture die, you have to start over and lose 5 or so days in the process.
#2 Bulky. If you are pressed for space, this can be an issue.
#3 Can be quite smelly in a small area.

Tank and controller is heat free and plug and play.
Nothing wrong with homebrew, but I have never found it to be as effective, and it does cost money for the sugar, plus your time dissolving, mixing, etc.



Active Member
I actually seen a grow store here that sells the home made co2 in bags, I guess they make it themselves and sell it in a big brick.
Yeah, they have a bag system now, they claim it will keep your smaller chamber around 1500 for 2 months I think. Don't know much about it, it came after I went to tank or I probably would have tried it. I think it's some kind of mushroom culture. But it's expensive, much more than tank refills.
right went ahead with the plastic container suspended overhead. put in it one cup of sugar to three cups of water and a large table spoon of yeast and sealed the cover and pierced a couple of small holes in the cover.

it was suggested to give this a good shake when i am in the room to release bursts of co2.

my question now is should it give off a kind of dirty BEER smell. not too foul or anything but certainly noticable.

also how often should i replace the mixture.

previously i had been using fizzy soda water and spraying it directly onto the plants this always seemed crazy in my mind but i got this idea from youtube video of MR GREEN a dutch guy he seemed to think it worked.

thanks everyone for your comments.


Well-Known Member
I just spoiled my ladies with a 20lb tank Regulator and a Sentinel CHHC-4 controller.

I cant wait for the results. I skipped the whole timer method, and figured sooner then later I'd be splurging for a controller anyways. I got it for $565 shipped, it doesn't just do Co2 though its total environment.

total cost


and as others have said, you can find a tank at any welding supply store, they will always be the cheapest place to pick them up.
So hey IM a newbie, well to to doin it myself, I have a closet 3x4x7, 400Watt switchable, plenty of ventilation, 3GAL pots, all canna products soil to nutrients, super thrive, and maxi-crop, growing 4 pineapple kush, and 2 urkels, shit is goin perfect, fans runs all the time and I was wanting to introduce co2 to the mix, probably gonna go with the cheap yeast method, here is my question should I do it or will I be wasting my time with all the air flow, and if it is a good idea how much do I mix, and where do I put the jugs for optimal usage, and also any little secrets I mite wanna try, IM not hydroponics either, waterin every 3 days, if that matters


Well-Known Member
am considering a sealed room next yr and found this in my research, a co2 meter w/ output that could be set up w/ a relay to control CO2 for under $100.( I have seen it for $70 b4 but can't find that site
it is set to cause an alarm at 1000 ppm and reset at 800.a relay could be used to turn off tank at alarm (1000ppm) and on again at reset (when room drops below 800).
most want higher levels of CO2 but if mounted high in the room, since CO2 is heavier than air,it might work.
they also make another unit (K30) that configurable for $125


Well-Known Member
am considering a sealed room next yr and found this in my research, a co2 meter w/ output that could be set up w/ a relay to control CO2 for under $100.( I have seen it for $70 b4 but can't find that site
it is set to cause an alarm at 1000 ppm and reset at 800.a relay could be used to turn off tank at alarm (1000ppm) and on again at reset (when room drops below 800).
most want higher levels of CO2 but if mounted high in the room, since CO2 is heavier than air,it might work.
they also make another unit (K30) that configurable for $125
If you are an electrical engineer and can write your own software to run that thing, go ahead.
Did you even read about it?
You need over 200$ more shit to make it work (the usb cable, the air pump sample thingie)...

If you can rig these up, I'd like the one that does temp co2 and rel humidity.


Well-Known Member
read it again
you only need the extras if you want data logging, remote use,ect. out of the box, it will give you a low current short to ground when CO2 levels reach 1000ppm and open when levels drop below 800. a low current draw relay and a power supply is all you need to give a signal to your bottle's solinoid


New Member
Can someone explian the baking soda method. i have a pretty small grow space for 4 plants...only intended 3....but any advice is much appreciated.
and how do i use it?


Dennis Rodman

Active Member
Baking soda make a mess.
Fermenting sugar water is one solution... but the fermentation will be over in about a week and you'll have to keep changing the water.
Also, if you DONT change the water after fermentation, it gets GROSS. Gnarly bacteria growing in that sugar solution.
if your grow is small and not worth buying a CO2 tank, look into this.
These bags are supposed to generate co2 for 6 months. It looks like they're for closet style grows. cheapest place i can find them is here:
buy small co2 canisters for co2 powered pellet pistols and use a whipit cracker and bust one a day if your growing under 4 plants