

Well-Known Member
co2 is used because unlike animals, plants breath co2 and exhale o2. we breath o2 and exhale co2. the more co2 you have in the room the more the plants can breathe, thus more photosynthesis, thus bigger plants. if you use co2 use it all the way through your grow. plants can grow double if not more vs not using co2. thats why it is very important to vent your room and have oscilating fans. if not the plants will use all the co2 in the air and not have anymore to use. i am about to set up co2 in my area.


Well-Known Member
:joint:Plants take in CO2 and give out O2. Flowering. Works, vitle for a decent closet grow.


Well-Known Member
im pickin up a co2 bottle and regulator next week. u can rig up some ghetto co2 if u have a small space


Well-Known Member
gotcha. a 16 ounce might work. get a regulator for it that you can run a timer on and run it like for 10 minutes every hour at most. to much co2 is deadly, to plants and humans. u know the tanks they fill ur paintball gun with? the really big one? im gettin one of them for my room. oh yeah, make sure u have ur fans off while co2 is on. or they will just expell all that u paid for.


Well-Known Member
300 for a brand new setup. my hydro guy wants 180 for the reg and 150 for the tank. but im ganna bring him down to 300 since i give his ass alot of money anyways. hey man if it doubles/triples your yeild, 300 is pocket change.


Well-Known Member
wish i was still ballin. when co2 was the big thing to use in paintballin i rented a big ass tank and it only cost me $4 a month to rent and $18 to fill a 4 foot tank. don't remember the poundage. But its much cheaper to get a big one than to go to ur paintball shop and fill a 20oz tank over time.


Well-Known Member
thats what im sayin. over time it will be much cheaper. u shoulda held onto that shit. cant wait to set mine up next week.


Well-Known Member
lol maybe but i dont plan on using it as much as you said i should so.. it might last me abit longer cause i dont wanna kill my plants lol


Well-Known Member
well u have to have really high concentrations to kill htem. i think u could unload a 16 ounce in there at once and not kill them. but i might be wrong. i guess if u want just turn ur fans off for like a couple times during the day and shoot some co2 in there through the bottle. that might work if u dont have a regulator.