ya, it's in the basement, fake wall.... at present the air is just venting in an adjacent room, and all fresh air comes from a different room..... gotta wait for the good weather to come back so i cant get it venting outside......
the main fans for the exaust is presently a CanFan RS 6HO 440cfm for the carbon filter and a CanFan 6 250cfm for the lights...
when i get the piping out the roof, the main fan will be mounted 19 feet up in a direct line, only bend will be in the grow room itself, it will have a 5' length to push after that, thinkin of getting a CanFan RS 8HO at 722cfm for that purpose tho....
and as for the air flow, lol, already ripped out some of them inline intakes as i wuz rerouting my exaust lines, got good passive air flow now..... as for the temps.... i been battling with them, can't keep them lass then 94 2 hours after the present pair of 600w's come on, stay under room temp when the 400w is on tho....
hoping my new exaugst/intake line routing will do something bout those temps....