Co2 PPm?


Well-Known Member
How many of you have an accurate co2 meter? What's the best co2 level to have to not have diminishing returns, right now my ambient air is between 800-1000 ppm already, Just wondering if you all have experience with this and if I should aim for 1200 or 1500ppm minimum. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Generally keeping my co2 at 1500ppm gives me the best results.
I just wonder how long my tank will last keeping at that steady level, only during lights. I have full control over the co2 regulator with precise monitoring with this setup, and also makes me wonder about how the titan co2 monitor works.
I found this too


Well-Known Member
TBH I find the best results with a setting that provides 1000-1200 PPM at the peak and lets the PPM drop to around 500 - 600 before running it back up. This gets the plants to use the CO2 more effectively. Many controllers won't allow such a large dead band though.


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing upon initial testing a minimum of 1200 is a good place to start. Will probably increase to 1500 parts later into flowering.

Wizard of Nozs

Active Member
It depends. If you have maxxed out your par, Co2 ups the allowable par ceiling to your plants, meaning that since co2 is in the environment, you can provide higher par without detrimental effects. If you're not providing extra light to keep par maxed then i would personally aim for around 900-1200. This will net you about a 10-30% increase in yield from normal give or take any other environmental conditions. The returns are diminishing above that if you're not able to provide the other extras.

Co2 is all about opening doors to higher yields. While it can directly give you better results all on its own, the results it can give you from the doors it opens are amazing.

Here is a pretty good link to some info about co2 levels. GL!

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Wizard of Nozs

Active Member
Now you're getting back to the door thing I was talking about.

If you use c02, you're raising the ceiling for tolerances. This means you're going to be able to feed heavier without burning, Use more light without bleaching, the heat tolerances goes up as well as cold tolerance. If you're into creating purple plants, I actually drop my temps into the low 50's if its winter time while I'm growing indoors. You're able to push the envelope pretty far and produce some resin busting buds.
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Well-Known Member
I decided to set the minium threshold at 1100ppm which triggers the relay to come on for 5 minutes and allows a range from 1100-1400 ppm currently. If anyone else wants to use RPi or needs help programming feel free to ask
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Amare Shill
I run my co2 tank on a 15 min. timer & adjusted the gauge to a very low level (sealdness of room dependent). This has me between 1000-1500.
All winter ran with just the door open 6" for 900-1150 ppm, just of the furnace pilots & see no noticable differences.
I feel anyone at 900 will do just as fine.