Co2 or not to Co2?


Active Member
What's up guys,
So I'm finishing up a new 5x5 tent setup, so far I have all my bases covered equipment wise - I just have this possible option nagging me in the back of my mind.

Long story short I live in a hot, humid fucking climate - this week in October temps ranged high 80s - 90 day, mid 70s night/morning. Humidity mid 70s all the way to mid - high 90s

I'd have to cut an 8" hole in the room ceiling where the tent will be for exhaust wich brings me to the million dollar question -

Would I save myself a lot of money in airconditioning and having to cut said hole by investing in a 50lb Co2 tank and something like a Titan controls regulator and controller? My thinking is I could possibly do that and throw a dehumidifier in there and seal that bitch up.

I've never run Co2 before, I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts either way. Thanks!

Edit: Forgot to add shit gets shoot-me-put-me-out-of-my-misery hot/humid during the summer
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If your going to vent your room at all forget the co2.

If you do sealup your room youll need a minisplit ac and a good dehumidifier
And co2 and controller.

Depends how much money and time you have.

If you grow in an occupied house, your co2 is probably ambient 1100-1500.

Have you check your co2levels in your grow?
If your going to vent your room at all forget the co2.

If you do sealup your room youll need a minisplit ac and a good dehumidifier
And co2 and controller.

Depends how much money and time you have.

If you grow in an occupied house, your co2 is probably ambient 1100-1500.

Have you check your co2levels in your grow?
Well it is going to be a 5x5 tent inside a dedicated room that if I did just run fan/filter I'd have to cut a big hole in the ceiling to exhaust out of. The room has a 2hp split type airconditioner already in it.

I can afford the Co2 equipment and dehumer, I thought maybe i'd be saving money in the long run electricity wise not having to run the airconditioner all the time.. Haven't checked the Co2 ppm yet as I don't have anything to test it with
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I went tents man, my setup is good but I feel being able to use the whole room would be more practical. I'm planning on sealing and adding co2.
I went tents man, my setup is good but I feel being able to use the whole room would be more practical. I'm planning on sealing and adding co2.
I hear ya bro, the space to move around and all would definitely be a plus.. I'd just rather not have to deal with installing fixtures and brackets etc.
I went tents man, my setup is good but I feel being able to use the whole room would be more practical. I'm planning on sealing and adding co2.

Yeah the tent wont seal much youd have to raise the ppm of the room

And seal your room thats what il be doing eventually

Nice you got a minisplit