co2 in water?


Well-Known Member

Entering a search on fleabay for co2 returns multiple aquarium use co2 dispensers.

My question is...could you use this type of co2 dispenser alongside your airstone in a bubble system?

I'm assuming some have tried this, did it work?

Did it increase yield?

I've read of the benefits of additional co2, unsure if it needs to be airborne.

Anyway, it was a lonely thought that strayed into my little brain and knew the right place to find an answer

Any feedback appreciated :)
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Well-Known Member
The CO2 needs to be airborne it is for photosynthesis. I have re-purposed my aquarium CO2 setup it's in my grow room now. I can't speak to the results as this is the first time I try it, i think me levels are quite low and possibly not helping that much.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply.

Would the bubbles not surface and become airborne? *just thinking out loud...don't feel the need to answer*

How have you modified your aquarium set up?


Well-Known Member
Some of the bubbles would surface and become airborne a certain amount would dissolve into the water. It worked amazingly well in the aquarium when I had a planted tank.

I didn't modify anything really just put the out hose above a plant.

I ordered a solenoid shutoff that can be put on a timer, since it's just on all the time. Once I get that i'm going to turn it up some.



Well-Known Member
Co2 is used in aquariums to keep the pH down. The co2 dissolves in water to become carbonic acid. It is gentler to the fish than dropping in loads of concentrated acid and waiting for it to mix up.

That is not what you want in hydroponics! The roots don't use co2.