CO2 generation with a candle


Well-Known Member
Other than some obvious safety considerations relating to burning my house down, would the light from a candle affect a plant during the twelve hours of darkness? I have some ideas how to 'hide' the candle if need be inside a box that has no light leaks.
not worth the risk and honestly co2 emitters aren't cost effective unless your grow is pretty air tight, not to mention a leak can be fatal if its in another room in your house so yeah probably not worth losing your life over a few extra grams. if your running a small grow thats semi-airtight the yeast and sugar fermentation method is good for a little boost in growth, id just smoke some bowls with my plants everyday since were walking co2 machines, always wanted to put a treadmill in a room next to some plants, id buy the treadmill from uncle buck of course XD

he still sells treadmills right?
thanks chuck, what is the 'proper equipment'? a co2 tank with regulator and flow meter? My room is air tight, no outside vents or intakes for that matter, just a door

CH, I dont know if UB still sells 'em, but i have a feeling i wont be buying, just sayin'
thanks chuck, what is the 'proper equipment'? a co2 tank with regulator and flow meter? My room is air tight, no outside vents or intakes for that matter, just a door

CH, I dont know if UB still sells 'em, but i have a feeling i wont be buying, just sayin'
tank or burner, monitor and reg if using a tank. If your room is airtight and you aren't doing air exchanges, then you should supplement c02, just do it the right way. all the other stuff is a waste of time and money.
thanks chuck, what is the 'proper equipment'? a co2 tank with regulator and flow meter? My room is air tight, no outside vents or intakes for that matter, just a door

CH, I dont know if UB still sells 'em, but i have a feeling i wont be buying, just sayin'
theres plenty of models you could buy online but most of them seem pricey, most are specific to a certain sq footage as well, ive only seen em online but they might be easy to come by. rigging a co2 tank would probably be more cost effective, make sure you know what you're doing though and make sure the rooms well ventilated.

and if you stay on this forum youll probably run into him sooner or later, i never knew if he was joking about it or not lol
theres plenty of models you could buy online but most of them seem pricey, most are specific to a certain sq footage as well, ive only seen em online but they might be easy to come by. rigging a co2 tank would probably be more cost effective, make sure you know what you're doing though and make sure the rooms well ventilated.

and if you stay on this forum youll probably run into him sooner or later, i never knew if he was joking about it or not lol

I am not into pricey and UB seems like one wild guy! (To say the least)
I have some ideas how to 'hide' the candle if need be inside a box that has no light leaks.

Generate co2 during the lights on.. Co2 needs to be measured or calculated to reach at least 1500 during lights on and sustained during that period. More nutrients and heat is also needed during co2 enrichment.

Plenty of ventilation will grow large healthy plants.. You will keep the co2 around 300PPM, and provide plenty of o2 that the plant also needs.
Here is my first idea...

I made a stand for the candle to (help) prevent tipping. Would prefer a wider candle, like 3", but didnt find one yet.


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You need CO² monitoring equipment, so you can tell if A. It's making any significant difference in ambient levels and B. there is too much, leading to a potential suffocation hazard.

The electronic regulator plus into such a monitoring device and makes keeping a constant level easy. A candle could work, obviously there are issues.

One that hasn't been mentioned yet is the smoke and unburned hydrocarbons from a candle are potentially bad for plants, clogging stomata and introducing undesirable chemicals into the growing space. Scented would be even worse than simple paraffin candles.
if the candle goes out from oxygen depletion, i will be surprised, even tho the CO2 levels are toxic to humans way before that happens. I am also concerned about the soot factor, looking for a plain old candle. I think the cylinder/regulator and controller is the way to go, i agree with you. Although that stuff has hydrocarbons (HC) in it too - just happens to be no spec for HC in any grade of CO2, including USP.