CO2 from Dry Ice


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever tried this before to add CO2 to their grow room? I think it would work if you could get the stuff every couple days from a local grocery store or ice cream store locally. On average a 10lb block would last around 2 days depending on storage and should be cheap if not free. I see resturants throwing it out all of the time. I would suggest putting the block into a cooler with a few holes to release the CO2 slowly. Dry ice is easy to get and it has no mess...just plain CO2 in frozen form. Of course you would have to keep climate in mind if your space is already to cold, but I think if you have high temps it could be a benefit also. Came across the idea while watching some chemistry videos tonight. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I use it all the time. I buy it at the grocery store for like 1.60 a lb. If you put it in a cooler make sure it is a styrofoam cooler and not a plastic one. Also make sure the holes in the cooler are large. When I first started doing that the hole would get condensation built up over about an hour and the holes would plug up with ice.

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
it's better to just buy a co2 tank, dry ice lasts one day, and doesnt give off enough to make a huge diff in your plants, unless you have a box everyday. but thats just a waste of cash.


Well-Known Member
baking soda with a vinegar iv drip also works. just a little more tricky to set up.

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
or you could just grow a little plant force flower it really early, sell and just buy a co2 system so you can manage everything with the perfect amount... if your not getting enough co2 then your wasting your time.. just dont go over 2000ppm


Active Member
Thought about that dry ice idea myself. Will have to research the co2 idea to see if it's worth the cost and effort really.


Active Member
or do what I did and buy a hamster that likes to run. It will release tons of CO2 and its even possible to teach it to water your plants too (like i did).


Active Member
I was using it for a period of time... but it didn't seem extremely effective, and while It may be cheaper short run, long term use is more costly than just setting up a co2 system