Co2 enrichment form animals


New Member
Posted a thread about this in Grow set ups.

I'm taking air from the house as its to cold outside the best way to do this was trough a built in press and I put plexiglass on the front with holes.
It's about a cubed meter and plenty of room for furry pets.

The chamber is separate from the grow room and air is filtered
I intend to measure the Co2 levels to see if it makes a difference.

Has anyone seen anything on this? Can't find a word about it.


New Member
waiting for it.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:fire:

danky supreme

Well-Known Member
How about you sit in your grow room for abit and measure the co2 levels to see if that makes a difference. I would have to imagine a human puts out just as much if not more CO2 than acouple furry animals. Personally I do not think they will make a difference however experimentation is the only true way to find out. Good luck mane


Well-Known Member
i have a sentinel climate controller and my ppms would go up slightly from like 370 to 420 after an hr of working in the room with my partner. the room is not sealed. of course this was only in the last couple weeks of flower when we didn't have the c02 generator burning!