Co2 during flowering

Thanks dude much appreciated.

I just hope at some stage (within my lifetime) that the U.K. decriminalise and then I’ll leave my 9-5 and setup up shop for myself lol.

If it is legalised in the UK most home growers will be out of business. The big players will get electric cost reductions, while the normal guy will be locked into typical rates (currently extortionate compared to Europe). It will cost you twice, if not three times as much in electric and nutrients. They will also get tax reductions to bring it to legal medical market, you won't.

I believe the UK is already a very big exporter in medical MJ, so the infrastructure and trade connections are already there to destroy small timers. The only way it works out is if the tax rates for corps are just high enough to make off licence sales cheaper for people while still profitable for the illegal small timer.
Yea I took the pic when the light flipped on that’s why the temps so low. I don’t waste money on CO2 if my environment isn’t dialed in. My plants are more than healthy so obviously the temps are dialed in.
Looking good and didn’t need co2 for it right on. I’m thinking that co2 is just to expedite the process so far that’s what I noticed.
Looking good and didn’t need co2 for it right on. I’m thinking that co2 is just to expedite the process so far that’s what I noticed.
Co2 does quite a bit more. The problem is most people utilize it wrong temps too low both lights on and off. It will increase all aspects of your grow if you implement it properly.