Co2 Burn? also soil ph?


Well-Known Member
Well I have eveything to add co2 now it think as far as regulator, bubbler couneter, and tank full o co2. i dont have a meter but have a very good idea of how much to use and how to meter it with a co2 bubbler, its for aquariums but i figre plant mass and volume, dose simmilarly to an aquarium.

my quesions are/
What are syptoms of Co2 burn? Incase i do over do it, i need to know whay to look for and then i can adjust from there.
also, how do i mesure ph of soils?
thanks yall


Well-Known Member
i dont know much about co2 burn, i believe the suggested amount is 1500 ppm's in the air. measuring ph in soil.. i test the runoff or drainage if my runoff is in the accepted range 6.2 - 6.8 i dont worry if it is off then i flush with ph'd water until it reads correct


well they are what they are..what im trying to figure out is flow rates ..bubbles per min vs cu` per hr


Well-Known Member
figure? good luck. your room isnt sealed. plants consume c02 as needed depending on temps, humidity, health, stage,
and all other variable resources. A meter, thats the answer. 1500ppm during lights on. a 100 pound tank can be emptied at once in
a 5x5 tent sealed up and plants loved it, no "burns" at all. anything but a meter will be guesswork. could just turn the crank once a day during flower for 20 seconds, or so