Co2 boost or excellofixx puck?


has anyone used these products before? looking for co2 other than generators, or co2 tank. i have just a small room only 4 plants. 600hps. any suggestings?


There is no question that the CO2BOOST BUCKET is the best of your options. Don't let the price scare you, it is absolutely worth it. I have been growing in a 5x7 tent for 4-5 years and all I use is CO2 Boost. Its all organic/natural, quiet, totally safe to breath and requires no heat/burners. You simply plug it into the timer to turn on an hour before the lights turn on (to let the CO2 build up) and thats it!!! It lasts 3 months or more from the time you open it, you never have to do anything (like refill co2 tanks every 3-5 days=gas$$$). The Boost Bucket is definitely worth the price and will increase yield/fruit by AT LEAST 30%. Wait till you first offer it to your seedlings, those little babies stand right up!!!


thanks a bunch, was at the hydro store and was looking at the co2 boost. so keep it on for 12 hours. one hour before the lights go one. and how much co2 does it give off?