Co Springs City Council Marijuana Debate

Ps, uhhhhh......1) legal sale of cannabis = sexual assault? Huh?
2) step off base and be easier to get pot so we would have to subject them to drug tests... military already tests for drugs. Its federal law.
3) easy access to cannabis makes soldiers want to smoke, then we have to discharge them.... if someone wants to smoke they will reguardless of the consequences. If they want to abstain, they will.
4) a) young americans in uniform are stupid and can't control their impulsive behaviors... well the military seems to have an issue with who theyre letting in. B) alcohol v cannabis.... really?
5) in saudi arabia, alcohol is not allowed and we had no as in zero problems. So now that were back why mix the two?.... again what the fuck?
6) if Its not readily available in the community the soldiers won't be able to get it.... really? Denver is less than two hours away.
So first this seems like some highly decorated officers who were asked to frown on cannabis without any type of empirical evidence which just makes them look bad. Basically a mini smear campaign.
And the second guy for cannabis lays that shit down!!!!! Truth! Liberty! And haha he addressed the generals when he said that they took a vow to protect the constitution. Those who would sacrafice liberty for safty deserve neither. John adams. That guy laid it down!!!
What I find striking is the arrogant attitude that some of these speech-makers have, like they really do own and rule this country and will screw with anyone who doesn't fit their idea that has them in control of the rule making. This is why we elect politicians who control the military, because military leadership is great for leading the military, but not the peaceful people. They do war very well, but peace, not so much.
That's Herr Bach for you.

Obey !

The mayor of Manitou Springs has no plans to forbid recreational sales...there will be a limit on stores though.

He said in a statement that he will follow the will of the people here....70% of whom voted for 64.

He knows which side of his bread is buttered.

I personally don't like Bach....not just for this move but for all the other crappy things he has done.

Colorado Springs and Manitou Springs are right next to each other...but Manitou is a different world.

Keep Manitou weird.