CNN Supports Legalization of ALL drugs.


Well-Known Member
Wow, simply brilliant idea, I've always wanted to be able to buy meth at my local gas station...


New Member
And I'll tell you something else right now. I have the solution to the drug problem in this country. Nobody wants to hear it, but I have it. Not less drugs, more drugs. Get more drugs, and give 'em the right fucking people. Mmm mm, cuz every time you hear about some famous guy overdosing on drugs, it's always some really talented guy. It's always like Len Bias, or Janis Joplin, or Jimi Hendrix, or John Belushi. You know what I mean!? The people you wanna have overdose on drugs never would! Like Motley Crue would never fucking overdose man, never! You could put them in a room with two tons of crack. They come out a half an hour later, "Rock on man!" "Shit, they're still alive. Fuck! They're probly gonna make another double-live album now, God dammit!"

Denis Leary - No Cure for Cancer - more drugs.
Like Motley Crue would never fucking overdose man, never! You could put them in a room with two tons of crack. They come out a half an hour later, "Rock on man!" "Shit, they're still alive. Fuck! They're probly gonna make another double-live album now, God dammit!"
LMFAO Thanks for bringing a smile to my face this morning!


Well-Known Member
LMFAO Thanks for bringing a smile to my face this morning!

the more I think of it, the more I am actually for legalization of all drugs....

the way I see it is legalize it all, and let natural selection take its course. people make their own choices. if they choose to abuse a drug, they deserve the consequences. it's win win in my opinion..... less violence, less stupid people, more tax revenue.
I had a friend who sold nice buds. I think they were locally processed because every now and then he would run out and then when he finally had more it would be obvious that it needed more curing time. They were still potent but didn't burn very well.

Anyway, he's dead set against legalization. He lives in the town where he was born, he knows if he keeps out of trouble he has probably a 95% chance of never getting caught. The sad part is that he is a very good businessman and he could make a fortune with his own company.

I just sort of looked at him for a few seconds before I responded. It was kinda like he just spit on me.

At that moment he embodied everything I hate about a corrupt government. I haven't talked to him in a while.
the more I think of it, the more I am actually for legalization of all drugs....
I agree with you. However, I will never connect Marijuana with other substances when debating the point with a flathead because it is an indefensible position in probably 80% of Americans' minds. I think having Marijuana legalized will go a long way to showing people just how retarded it is to put the health and safety of a large chunk of our citizenry in the hands of gangsters.

I cannot forgive such willful ignorance of history on behalf of the majority of our citizens, but I also know that this is a poker game that we must play to accomplish our goals.


Well-Known Member
Thats a great article I wish one day all drugs could be legal I could go buy some weed and shrooms while getting
gas I can only imagine...