CNN AC360 America's High Part 1 TOR/NZB


Well-Known Member
I will post the rest of the week. I thought it was going to be the whole show but its only segments.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
fuck all these stupid biased media reports about legalization, all they do is piss me off, cuz virtually everything the opponents to legalization say is FALSE, so even when andy coopers dumbass thinks his show is fair showing both sides of the argument, its not, its showing the smart, fact based, and obvious solution, and then its showing the irrational, false, and ridiculous arguments made by tools who just dont understand marijuana or thc....FUCKKKK, sorry im just so pissed cuz I just watched the second part like 15 mins ago, and there were some people on there saying some really dumb shit....fuck.


Well-Known Member
It is frustrating - but atleast the dialogue is out there.

"Marijuana has no medicinal value"

followed by

"there are currently 3 cannabonoid based drugs on the market."