CNBC tonight- Marijuana Inc.


Well-Known Member
That generator is my idea of perfection! I can not tell you how many times ive smoked up and began to construct the most stealth, crazy grow.

...but shows back on brb


Well-Known Member
"not taunting the DEA"

respect for the opposition

Best question dodge I've ever seen. He should run for office !
Ya see how much do you think he sells? He pays almost a million to the govt in he's pushing big weight there....What? 1000 lbs? maybe 2000. A ton of weed. He is insinuating he sells more than a ton of weed a year.... holy shitttttttttttt


Well-Known Member
He was so gay... really

...Anyone notice how he is the california character in BLOW who pee wee herman played? lol yeah i noticed it


Well-Known Member
Just got done watching the show it was pretty good and that dumass who traveled 2 the triangle in his motor home 2 hopefully find a job trimming bud and hes giving a interview to the news he is a dumbass

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Typical BS. Oh the poor police work so hard and it keeps getting bigger. Wasn't too surprised at the one sidedness. Nice buds though!


Well-Known Member
overall rating of the show 8/10 because its really been a while since there was a mary jane docum type show on mainstream cable tv