CNBC California Legal For The Wohle state


Active Member
long time no see... pimpin n growin is the best thang going and the best thang going is pimpin n growin like water we flowin.... I seen CNBC today watchin da stock market they wuz talkin about the whole state of cali might go legit. they was talkin about how well let me look it up so i can be specific:bigjoint:

my thoughts: man shit dog:bigjoint: this is great i can just imagine what it would be like to participate thats why i am going to do it... ill be back let me know what u think. i got sum matsermind shit i wanna get into but i will post it later after i smoke...


Well-Known Member
people who argue it is a gateway drug need to stop playing that card.

it's infact the EXACT opposite. i don't know any potheads who do harder drugs or have tried to share them with me if they do and i didn't know they did.

californias will be lazy if they are bonged out? that's another futile argument because obviously someone is going to put work as a higher priority than smoking weed.

no ones going to skip work to get high just because its legal


Well-Known Member
its soooo obvious that the person has never been a pothead when they say it'll make ppl damn obvious. it only makes you lazy while doesn't make you lazy while not high...gah dumb asses

Sr. Verde

Dude I'm going to be honest, I dont know what the fuck this thread is about


Well-Known Member

Yeah look how lazy smoking cannabis makes you. Only 8 gold medals!
Lazy fuckin stoner.:cuss::cuss::cuss:
hahaha! well i'm sure he doesn't smoke much but still...that's cuz it would really affect his stamina.

i'm sure he still smokes weekly or whenever he can find the time/privacy.

events like the michael phelps one really help our cause...greatest olympic athlete ever taking bongsmilie

einstein took bongsmilieas well :)

no way he could have been that patient with all his research without some chill time


Active Member
i was thinkin if they did legalize it who would mass produce it and how much would the price drop i heard Marlboro got Marlboro greens trademarked already


Active Member
on cnbc they said somethin about tha major cigar companies will get involved like cuba whose main exports is cigars so that covers blunts and marlboro already got joints or cigarette paper type..... life is great .... im finna go smoke a honey dutch its was nice to toke n talk


Well-Known Member
i was thinkin if they did legalize it who would mass produce it and how much would the price drop i heard Marlboro got Marlboro greens trademarked already
no offense to all of the tobacco smokers out there but i would touch a marlboro green if they existed even if u paid me if it wasnt grown with love dont want it sorry anyone who treats green as purely a cash crop is not giving mj the love she deserves


Well-Known Member
possession, use , sales, AND CULTIVATION for 21+.

something like 3 plants per person. shit with quality grow equipment you could still yield over a pound.