cluster bomb bad news


Active Member
:wall:So today I learned that the seeds I bought weren't what the cluster bomb I was led to believe.. I thought they were cluster bomb by bomb seeds but turns out the guy ordered and sold me cluster bomb by archive seed bank I researched and it states its a below average yeilding strain ... So I'm starting my cheese quake seeds today and just cuz I have them imma do the other cb seeds I have any one have anyluck with that strain? Good news is I'm going to let this girl finish out while I build a larger grow room out of my walk in closet 6 plants on a 6x3.5x9 room I won't use all of that space but I can add more light better lights given $works out. Any one have any ideas on how I can make the most of the grow any experimental ideas any one has that they can't do because or space confinement they would like to see tested out?


Active Member
I'm crossing my fingers that u guys are right. Don't get me wrong they look great smell great I was mostly just concerned with yield since it says its a below average yield on the website.. But I'm lookin at about 3/4 oz projective yeild on one one indoor plant and not sure yet on the one out side. But inside my girl is about a foot tall and LST. Out side is topped and about 3-4 foot tall gonna just be some colas on that one I assume as of now

