Club 600

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
That dude was probably bumming about his feet then he was like hey, I dont gotta buy shoes or socks anymore, put it in perspective for him! Personally I hate picking out shoes.
dude was dead philosophical about it. he's been round the world traveling and actually seen the 7 wonders. no way he'd have done that grunting round in the army. he also had £42,000 sports ankles fitted and walked surprisingly well. so well in fact that when he asked for assistance to the plane the dickhead at the flight check in desk refused him.


Well-Known Member
Well thought I would stop by and say what's to all u guyss Ben super busy job hunting .but when u havnt worked in 6 years its tough to put a resume together all my old employers are dead basicly . I worked at mom n pop shops and feed stores . Life sucks right now


Well-Known Member
Day 39 of 12/12. Thought this might be polyploid? Bud from that branch seems to be matured lots more than the rest of the plant. Strange. Also did a Trimming of the Ultra Lemon Haze :)



Well-Known Member
sorry i don't know, maybe an outdoor grower might help.

i know neem is supposed to make a barrier that prevents nasties from sticking to the plant, maybe spray the bt then neem the next day or something.

are you worried about a reaction of some sort? maybe try a small area first as the saying goes.


Well-Known Member
sorry i don't know, maybe an outdoor grower might help.

i know neem is supposed to make a barrier that prevents nasties from sticking to the plant, maybe spray the bt then neem the next day or something.

are you worried about a reaction of some sort? maybe try a small area first as the saying goes.
I am just going to spray Neem first and then wait two days and spray the BT. I am asking about mixing cause I dont know if the neem will kill off the BT.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Smoke ’em if you got ’em: Obama admin. OKs Washington, Colorado marijuana laws

Attorney General Eric H. Holder told Colorado and Washington on Thursday that the federal government will not stand in the way of those states’ marijuana laws, clearing the way for individuals to possess and use the drug.

The decision, which has been anticipated for months, creates a patchwork of federal enforcement in the country — but it also marks the beginning of state experimentation as local officials try to figure out their own approaches to drug policy.

“We want to show how it’s done, and done right,” said Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, who said the final agreement represents a balance that protects individual users but still allows states and the federal government to go after criminal gangs involved in marijuana.

Residents in Washington and Colorado voted to legalize marijuana use in last year’s elections, putting those states in conflict with federal law and policy, which characterizes marijuana as a dangerous drug subject and includes criminal penalties for those found in possession.

Since then, Attorney General Eric H. Holder has been considering the federal government’s response to the two states.

Thursday’s decision means the federal government will not sue to block the two states from implementing their policies.

In addition, the Justice Department also issued new guidance to all U.S. attorneys laying out priorities in other states such as trying to prevent gang activity related to marijuana, and preventing distribution of the drug to minors.

The four-page memo reiterates the low priority prosecutors should put on end-level users.

Legalization advocates cheered the Washington and Colorado decisions but said they’ll be watching to see how prosecutors follow through on the new guidance.

“The real question is whether the president will call off his federal agencies that have been on the attack and finally let legal marijuana businesses operate without harassment, or if he wants the DEA and prosecutors to keep intervening as they have throughout his presidency and thus continue forcing users to buy marijuana on the illegal market where much of the profits go to violent drug cartels and gangs,” said Tom Angell, chairman of Marijuana Majority.

The Justice Department told Washington and Colorado it will watch to see how they implement their marijuana policies to make sure both states have strong regulatory systems in place to stop children from getting the drug, and to keep criminal gangs from involvement in the business

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Well-Known Member
it's wonderful living in Wa state, i never thought in a million years we would see recreational use legalized, never.


Well-Known Member
I got a question for the pros, is it safe to mix BT with Neem? Or will the Neem affect the BT?
"BT" is really just the toxin created by this bacterium. (I mused about trying to get a culture :0)

As such, the only concern would be a chemical reaction which I would not expect.

Instead I would recall that it has been suggested that one use a series of attacks when
fighting pests. ...and so using one, then the other some time later, might be the best idea.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
I agree with JD. And also if worried just do a small bit like GHB said....ok, just thought I'd chip in and agree with people, :)


Well-Known Member
In a ScroG, the plants can't be removed from the grow area so how do you handle pests like spider mite infestations and the like? If I could never remove my plants from my tent, I'd probably have a colony of spider mites fucking me up the arse. ScrOg pest management is a curiosity to me right now b/c that's the only obstacle in jonny's way to running a ScroG setup.
My solution to this was an industrial bug bomb. I tried everything else(Einstien Oil, Safer Soap, Dont Bug Me, Azamax) and none of them worked for me, just kept them at bay. But when I set off one of these little bastards
They disappeared never to be seen again. Some would shy away from this, but for me it was the only thing that worked and in a scrog like mine, probly the only realistic option. If you have any questions feel free to ask because using one wrong can be VERY dangerous.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^doesn't say it's food grade though

Attain TR is labeled for use in greenhouses on bedding plants, cut flowers, flowering hanging baskets, foliage, potted flowering plants and ornamentals.