Club 600


Well-Known Member
Awesome movie Doobs! And that C4xCasey 8)

Here is a baby picture from the nursery:

New pip:

Lumber for the greenhouse arrives tomorrow. Now I need to find a source for bulk rolls of 1/4 inch mesh.



Active Member
Speaking of Popo... just had the sheriff helicopter circling above my house. Always a good time. Not like I'm in danger of getting popped, just not a good feeling knowing something is going on in the neighborhood that makes that necessary. I enjoy it in winter when nothings going on up here lol.
Man, I live in a beach side town and its a real sort of tourist area. I have planes and helicopters flying overhead every god damn day. Up until I started my first grow a few weeks ago I never noticed how many of the fuckers are actually flying around above my house. My girl and son just give me real awkward looks when I all of a sudden spring up off the couch and run outside looking up to the sky lol...

Serious but, sometimes I see some and they flying low as fuck....Almost seems to low for them to just be doing joy flights...hmmm :???: Im gonna go smoke a spliff and calm the fuck down


Well-Known Member
Well it might help you calm down hearing why they were circling my little town. A lady in her 70's with Alzheimers disease wandered away from home and is lost. They were searching for her. Lol... and speaking of the cops up here an intoxicated fellow ran his truck off the road right by my house. I watched him flee the scene, watched the sherrif later looking around a bit for him. They walked about 50 feet, hahaha. Not sure how much energy the cops around here are expending on anything really.

If you are beach side then you should be in a legal state... if you have a rec, they aint gonna mess with you. Landlord maybe, but not the po.


Well-Known Member
Nice pics bru, the Ship Museum was closed for refurbishment when you were here bru. The old sail ship there was moored up at the Nemo museum, and has now been moved round to the Shiop Museum (just around the corner frmo that pic). We would have maybe cycled past it though:)
DST, I remember the ship measuem. I have pics as well, from the other side though. Or maybe i miss remember. I think i was on the train to headed to Germany.

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I just thought the artwork was really cool not sure what it says though.

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The following pics are when I was in Germany headed to go check out a castle on my way to Austria.

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These are just a few of the almost thousand pics i took. Man I cant wait to go back for a visit.

Oh the pic for my avatar is a pic i got close to my hotel when the moon was trying to peek out.
That whole area was pretty squatchy.
Bigfoot could have been hanging off the road or the trail taking a "union break" a mere 20ft away and you'd never have known he was there except for the smell of dank in the air.
Big foot smokes Dank? awesome....:)

Well it might help you calm down hearing why they were circling my little town. A lady in her 70's with Alzheimers disease wandered away from home and is lost. They were searching for her. Lol... and speaking of the cops up here an intoxicated fellow ran his truck off the road right by my house. I watched him flee the scene, watched the sherrif later looking around a bit for him. They walked about 50 feet, hahaha. Not sure how much energy the cops around here are expending on anything really.

If you are beach side then you should be in a legal state... if you have a rec, they aint gonna mess with you. Landlord maybe, but not the po.
haha, :):)

Another lovely day over here and due to continue into the weekend, yipeeeeee!

Peace, DST


Active Member
Well it might help you calm down hearing why they were circling my little town. A lady in her 70's with Alzheimers disease wandered away from home and is lost. They were searching for her. Lol... and speaking of the cops up here an intoxicated fellow ran his truck off the road right by my house. I watched him flee the scene, watched the sherrif later looking around a bit for him. They walked about 50 feet, hahaha. Not sure how much energy the cops around here are expending on anything really.

If you are beach side then you should be in a legal state... if you have a rec, they aint gonna mess with you. Landlord maybe, but not the po.
Beachside in def not a legal country or legal state for that matter.

Similar thing happened when I was living close to the city a few years back. Had 2 plants outdoor at my house(never done indoor before now) a few years back. They was about 3-4ft tall. I was working at a bar doing day shift one day when my girl rang me while I was at work saying there was a heli hovering above our house in the paddock.(we lived back to back with a paddock then a school) I told her she was trippin and not to worry about it. She assured me they was like 50 meters from the ground. When I got home I seen on the news there was a hit 'n' run at the main intersection near my house. I put 2 and 2 together and realised they must have been looking for the perp when they stumbled across my ladies or something. I moved the plants the next day to a mates but nothing ever came from it. No knocks at 8am or anything so I dunno...They prob seen my 2 plants and had a little compassion and left me be lol


Well-Known Member
Are you in WA Shazmo? My old man lives in WA near Freemantle and told me his neighbours grow fairly large bushes of weed. To be honest, I doubt a policehelicopter would even notice 1 plant at 3 foot high, even just 50metres off the ground. My mate looks after my place when I am holiday and we are in a flight path for the helicopters. He told me he got so paranoid one day he left my house to go for a walk. Seriously, it's mainly our paranoia that makes us think everything is directed towards us. A sprinkle of paranoia does help sometimes though, keeps us on our toes. Gday to you.


Well-Known Member
quick couple on the veg room trying to get numbers down but dont wana giv them away might take a couple of the pyscho killer clones along to flower they had about 5 days out the prop under 250 cfl heres few pics anyway



Active Member
Are you in WA Shazmo? My old man lives in WA near Freemantle and told me his neighbours grow fairly large bushes of weed. To be honest, I doubt a policehelicopter would even notice 1 plant at 3 foot high, even just 50metres off the ground. My mate looks after my place when I am holiday and we are in a flight path for the helicopters. He told me he got so paranoid one day he left my house to go for a walk. Seriously, it's mainly our paranoia that makes us think everything is directed towards us. A sprinkle of paranoia does help sometimes though, keeps us on our toes. Gday to you.
Nah man...Im from VIC. I know what your saying though. Since the indoor grow been setup. My ears are like fuckin dogs...They perk up everytime I hear a heli or even police sirens for that matter. I had 2 ladies for the outdoor and my girl reckons the heli was hovering right above the paddock which was behind our unit. Had them sitting in the middle of the courtyard in plain site. But nothing ever did come of it so I guess you are right. The paranoia with this new op is sorta a pain in the ass but like you also said, it does keep you on your toes...I have gone over all aspects of security every few days just trippin ya know. Starting to annoy my girl with it but a little paranoia is better than a visit to the jack shop :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Just keep it to yourself, make sure your operation is stealth, and then you should have no problems. When others know, this is when problems arise in my experience. People are jealous, people are quick to grass to get themselves out of bother, and some are just pure evil.


Active Member
Just keep it to yourself, make sure your operation is stealth, and then you should have no problems. When others know, this is when problems arise in my experience. People are jealous, people are quick to grass to get themselves out of bother, and some are just pure evil.
Yeh I know man...I havnt told a soul. I have drilled it into my girl to not say shit to anyone. Gave her the spill about every person equals a 10% increased chance of getting busted. My old man is a seasoned smoker. He got busted a couple years ago for an outdoor grow in his backyard. I could go to him for advice but instead I am sticking to the golden rule to a tee...Tell noone. Much prefer to come onto RIU for advice...Even though he is my old man, he has been busted and you also never know. It might come up in passing when hes talking to friends or fam...You just never know :)

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
watup crew, sitting here somking some Dog from breeders boutique, fu ken fire!! with that og taste. well dst, I'll be blowing Dog from state, to state! well got to Get my clones in half gallons today. been showing my wife how to run my grows. feel bad for her as I have clones, flowering plants outside, main grow outside, and indoor grow pluse, bud curing. leave to texas tomorrow too. so take care guys, hope to make it back safe.
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Well-Known Member
quick couple on the veg room trying to get numbers down but dont wana giv them away might take a couple of the pyscho killer clones along to flower they had about 5 days out the prop under 250 cfl heres few pics anyway

lol I thought those were your toes at first :shock: long ass toes.

I hear he occasionally grows the dank, too.
Comes from a tribe of 'squatches who use 600watts (plus or minus any number of watts) to grow some of the dankiest of dank dankitude.
hahaha aww man Im very easily entertained.
They grow that stank dank.
watup crew, sitting here somking some Dog from breeders boutique, fu ken fire!! with that og taste. well dst, I'll be blowing Dog from state, to state! well got to Get my clones in half gallons today. been showing my wife how to run my grows. feel bad for her as I have clones, flowering plants outside, main grow outside, and indoor grow pluse, bud curing. leave to texas tomorrow too. so take care guys, hope to make it back safe.
Have a safe trip bro.... texas dont fuck around.
It would be cool to travel with tincture gel caps or something, put into a general vitamin jar no one would have a fucking clue, and you could be stoned all the time :-)

Anyway yeah, have a safe trip and big ups to your girl for holding it down.


Well-Known Member
Just keep it to yourself, make sure your operation is stealth, and then you should have no problems. When others know, this is when problems arise in my experience. People are jealous, people are quick to grass to get themselves out of bother, and some are just pure evil.

This is probably the biggest thing. People talk. I know people that are doing some stuff that could get them a lot of time, and I don't need my name to pop up once they get caught doing their stupid shit.


Well-Known Member
well time to chill out but getting a bad throat so the bongs a bit harsh the night, think i am gona take a couple them psycho killer clones along tomoz that been out a few days the ones i put straight in there looking a bit frazzly
thank u for the advice dst I added 4 more plants in the flowering room 2x iced grapefruit , another big bud x white widow an my power Africa an hopefully I can keep every one updated on there progress becauce I cant find much info on these strains on RIU IMG_1068.jpgIMG_1069.jpgIMG_1070.jpg I still have plenty of room but hopefully that will get filled up when they spread


Well-Known Member
Afternoon 6, well got my new hood and everything done yesterday. OG is loving the new bulb and hood :D

Been raining here all morning so I've caught about 80 gallons of water so far :D Yay free water! and the best part is the girls love it :)

Og kush and new hood(player status :D) day 28 12/12
