So in the past 4 hours Iv had 12 more seeds pop up

2 more blue pits,
all 5 of the ?p x sb2,
another ?p x BnS (i hope the fat buds from the BnS can get as frosty as that ?p

2- ?p x BK (bk~ nice male from the mvk pack)
1 mvk,
and 1- 3d.
They are in a 60/30/10 mix of somewhat aged donkey manure, spent compost from a cantaloup bed this past summer, and worm castings. I combined these three and rubbed it through a 1/2 inch wire mesh. Came out nice and light fluffy with good drainage and smelled great.
I was just about ready to go a TRY to find/buy a good seed starting medium and right then remembered something I saw over the summer. My donkeys will eat just about anything including some not so good watermelons I left in the field. One day walking the property I noticed about 30-40 three inch watermelon seedling bursting out of a pile of donkey manure and looking 100% healthy, I thought to my self "wow thats pretty neat!" moved along with my chores and never thought of it again until a few days ago.
So all of my common sense said "go for it, it obviously works well" still I was pretty concerned about the manure being too hot and burning up all of the seeds,,, I REALLY didn't want this to happen, obviously. A smarter me would have at least tested it on a few before applying it to over 50 seeds lol, but I guess I just couldn't wait.
So, so far so good... fingers are still crossed but Im feeling much better about it now that I see them popping out on an hourly basis
Ok keif induced story time is over

heres some baby pics.
Blue Pits,,, the only ones in blue cups, naturally.
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These two are somewhat self explanatory.
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And the little setup.. Got that day/night timer we were discussing a few days back.
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