Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hi 6er's wanna show those kids again. I know its only been 4 but they have there own parcels of land now. Tent 2 has served me well and most likel;y will continue to do so. Here's pics of my old tent, the ballast im replacing lol, and the veg tents kids hanging out discussing how theyre gonna be all they they can be for me im sure lol. The first two buckets on the left are dogs and the rest are romulan herijuana and some peacock cause peacocks rule imo. The last pics are of this neat little keif box my wife got me. wanted to share cause its sexy and striped maple! I have an affinity for maple tree's(its a long story).IMG_0076.jpgIMG_0077.jpgIMG_0078.jpgIMG_0079.jpgIMG_0080.jpgIMG_0081.jpgIMG_0081.jpgIMG_0082.jpgIMG_0083.jpgIMG_0084.jpgIMG_0083.jpgIMG_0092.jpgIMG_0087.jpgIMG_0089.jpgIMG_0090.jpg


Well-Known Member
I like your bike, I need a new one......

Hi 6er's wanna show those kids again. I know its only been 4 but they have there own parcels of land now. Tent 2 has served me well and most likel;y will continue to do so. Here's pics of my old tent, the ballast im replacing lol, and the veg tents kids hanging out discussing how theyre gonna be all they they can be for me im sure lol. The first two buckets on the left are dogs and the rest are romulan herijuana and some peacock cause peacocks rule imo. The last pics are of this neat little keif box my wife got me. wanted to share cause its sexy and striped maple! I have an affinity for maple tree's(its a long story).View attachment 2424316View attachment 2424317View attachment 2424318View attachment 2424319View attachment 2424320View attachment 2424321View attachment 2424321View attachment 2424322View attachment 2424323View attachment 2424324View attachment 2424323View attachment 2424325View attachment 2424326View attachment 2424327View attachment 2424328


Well-Known Member
Cant wait to hurt myself on that beast bike! Had a titanium bike but the frame had structural integrity issue's and i got a fair even trade for a 2012 specilaized enduro, im happy and the mtn bike racer cat i get my deals from has a parts bike to die for lol!


Well-Known Member
who from the 6 is in the L.A. area.. i just got back from cali for the first time. left out of nowhere at the last minute. didnt really plan for it.
i bought a 10$ gram on venice beach, forgot what it was called already, oh yea, "purple saphire" wasnt anything special. got home to a nice dry plant though. tastey.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you consider the "LA area". I'm kinda close... a lot of us are kinda close. But I don't think anyone in here is from L.A. county. Odd isn't it.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine left his Gary Fischer here, it's as light as fairy. I think he wants to try and sell it to me.....we shall see.
Cant wait to hurt myself on that beast bike! Had a titanium bike but the frame had structural integrity issue's and i got a fair even trade for a 2012 specilaized enduro, im happy and the mtn bike racer cat i get my deals from has a parts bike to die for lol!


Active Member
I wuld suggest you up your feeding. Or if you are feeding at high doses figure out why they are not taking the nutes in. It is pretty early in flower for them to be stressing about nutes the way they are.
Thanks Tryna, I was thinking they weren't looking right. I'm pretty sure my feeding is close to appropriate, I have a feeling it's PH. I went and picked up a PH meter and I'm going to be checking the PH as soon as my meter is done soaking. I hope that's the problem and can I can recover some lost growth.


Well-Known Member
If the plants have an MG lockout this basically disable the plants ability to take up N, and as such you get yellowing, poor growth, and crispy leaves. If it where me, I would start with flushing with a N based only mix with some Mg in it.


Active Member
If the plants have an MG lockout this basically disable the plants ability to take up N, and as such you get yellowing, poor growth, and crispy leaves. If it where me, I would start with flushing with a N based only mix with some Mg in it.
Thanks D, I just checked the ph in my rez and it was 8. I will be flushing with PH'd water shortly. Should I still add some N and MG?


Active Member
i think this whole lockout is whats going on in my ladies. going to head to the hydro store today and pick up some nutes. really hope they turn around after 4 weeks of flower.



Well-Known Member
I'd buy that bike D. I sure liked riding it.Cool cat VT! It's named mama cat? I have a mama cat too, only he's a boy. lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah jig she wont respond to anything other than mama's, her father is a feral sumbitch nasty mofo and mom's died giving birth to the litter sadly, but now she is a beast and loving life! Hey guys i have so far been nothing but just my potting mix and straight watering thorughout the process. Now would any of the 6er's here give me some insight on some nute's i can give the dog's and romulans(once there ready and able to handle them of course). I have alocated a few bucks for some basics. I have read up on blooming nutes but what about from week2 of veg to just before 12/12? I saw these product lines at a store here but refuse to invest without feedback from folks who know there shit.big_bud_bg.jpg