I've seen firsthand some pretty fucked up shit over in that neck of the woods, all done in the name of god, and knowing that muslims feel a marriage isn't over even when a spouse is dead, it almost seems like a possible thing (Farewell sex).
But muslims, like jews, feel that a dead body is most unclean, and having sex with it is as repugnant to them as having zombie-sex would be to a westerner.
Hell, they're not even allowed to touch a dead body at night, for crying out loud, much less have sex with it. (they can touch dead bodies at night, but only with long & arduous purification rituals after)
The non-extremist muslims I've met have been people I'd be happy to have as neighbors, as I would non-extremist christians & jews.
It costs me nothing to let people worship how they want, even if I think it's a waste of time.
I could be totally wrong about the lack of a god in the universe, but I've turned to Humanism through the years, as it's the only thing that makes sense on this plane of existence, and is one philosophy that can help ensure caring & compassion for all, and might even hold redemptive powers if there is an afterlife.
A wise philosophizer once said:
Be Excellent to each other!"
He then went on to say:
And, Party On dudes!"