Club 600

and heres the clones


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true, nothing really surprises me anymore these days so i guess i just believed it. lol

I've seen firsthand some pretty fucked up shit over in that neck of the woods, all done in the name of god, and knowing that muslims feel a marriage isn't over even when a spouse is dead, it almost seems like a possible thing (Farewell sex).
But muslims, like jews, feel that a dead body is most unclean, and having sex with it is as repugnant to them as having zombie-sex would be to a westerner.
Hell, they're not even allowed to touch a dead body at night, for crying out loud, much less have sex with it. (they can touch dead bodies at night, but only with long & arduous purification rituals after)
The non-extremist muslims I've met have been people I'd be happy to have as neighbors, as I would non-extremist christians & jews.
It costs me nothing to let people worship how they want, even if I think it's a waste of time.
I could be totally wrong about the lack of a god in the universe, but I've turned to Humanism through the years, as it's the only thing that makes sense on this plane of existence, and is one philosophy that can help ensure caring & compassion for all, and might even hold redemptive powers if there is an afterlife.

A wise philosophizer once said:
"Be Excellent to each other!"

He then went on to say:
"And, Party On dudes!"

has anybody heard of this show called Toddlers & Tiaras .. its disturbing..

Most television these days is disturbing. But not as disturbing as the fact that people actually rot their minds watching it, lol. Have a good day 600, I'm off to pay the bills. While I'm gone, lets see some lovely prOn today!
Happy Birthday girls!! Zactly 30 daze into flower today on my LSD's(2) and Violator Kush(2). Next time I ain't veggin' no 60 days cuz it's too long and they get too big for the space I have width wise (52")...but I did score another ballast and about to order another light so next go round I can spread things out being I have over 12' of length..although with a buncha leaf snipin' to allow more light into my jungle I have to say it's looking damn good so....was kinda afraid to cut leaves off but after the fact now I'm real glad I did. Lots more light is gettin' inside the girls growing their flowers better so I believe it's done a lot more good than harm...I do have to admit hands were shaking as I started snippin'...:spew:but allz good now and I'm half way home now! New Lumatek sitting next to me I scored offa ebay new dig'n dimmable 120/240v for $130 for my next grow so I'll officially be a 1200watt gardner next go round!:weed:but for the 600 club...I'll be a dbl 600 doode:)

A quick bit of seedling pR0n:



Well, then, I know for a fact there are peeps in here who have made some runs with that combo.
Hopefully they'll see it and chime in sooner than later.

Hope your day is going well, Mr. West!
I've seen firsthand some pretty fucked up shit over in that neck of the woods, all done in the name of god, and knowing that muslims feel a marriage isn't over even when a spouse is dead, it almost seems like a possible thing (Farewell sex).
But muslims, like jews, feel that a dead body is most unclean, and having sex with it is as repugnant to them as having zombie-sex would be to a westerner.
Hell, they're not even allowed to touch a dead body at night, for crying out loud, much less have sex with it. (they can touch dead bodies at night, but only with long & arduous purification rituals after)
The non-extremist muslims I've met have been people I'd be happy to have as neighbors, as I would non-extremist christians & jews.
It costs me nothing to let people worship how they want, even if I think it's a waste of time.
I could be totally wrong about the lack of a god in the universe, but I've turned to Humanism through the years, as it's the only thing that makes sense on this plane of existence, and is one philosophy that can help ensure caring & compassion for all, and might even hold redemptive powers if there is an afterlife.

A wise philosophizer once said:
"Be Excellent to each other!"

He then went on to say:
"And, Party On dudes!"


I agree Doob!

Man, they look so freakin' young!
But was such a good movie.
Even my mom liked it. :-)
She even liked the sequel, especially the character Death, and the group's trip to both heaven & hell.
day 47 of 12/12 on my pc thinking about chopping in a week or 2 as i have 10 clones coming in about weeks. i still have clones which i got off friend which i have been training under this new light cos my 600 is to hot. they seem to be coming back to life al upload pics in 5 mins

  • is this barneys farm pineapple chunk? be care full i had to flower mine for about 90 days and they still coulda gone another week. This has been a problem for people frowing PC from BF. just a heads up.​

You might be a king or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later you'll dance with the reaper

And I had a comment on the religion thing, but I'm gonna let it slide. Glad you are so positive doob.
Thanks, jiggy :-)
I don't like to step on toes when it comes to religion.
I know in a round-about way it does good for people, promotes positive social programs that not only benefit the church community but also others outside the congregation, etc., etc., etc..
I've said it before, I was raised a staunch catholic, did the altar boy thing every Sunday from age 8 onward, catechism from age 6 and up through highschool, and even thought about entering seminary school like my uncle did and becoming a priest.
But I changed too much to continue on, and found that my "higher power" comes from within, and needed (and still need) to travel that journey without a god.
And, again, I could be totally wrong about it all.
My sins are great, and somewhere near triple-digits of men have fallen because of me, so I have a lot to reconcile, in my mind, and can only hope to work towards redemption either here while I'm still alive, in the afterlife (if there is one), or both.
What's up everyone here a little shot of my current test run with the purple kush x flav week one flower
5 gallon pots of pure promix hp and Humboldt nutrients master a and b program
There a little close to the light haha but no burning on leaves they are like 3 inches away from glass at some points had to top them to keep them off glass
They stretched a lot running a dimable ballast at super lumens for first two weeks then down to 750. Watts


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One good thing about contemplation is it's a good source for lyrics:
(*just wrote this)

"A Man Out Of Time"
©2012 DoobieBrother

Is it a crime
or unwise
to philosophize
and internalize?

Is it a sin
to stay outside
always looking in
hiding behind foolish pride?

Feet stay syncopated
But never in step
not really motivated
Contemplate cold regrets

Try to separate
from past deeds
Morals on the shelf
I took no heed

Damnation as demons draw close
whispering lies with no remorse
Salvation as the angels fall in line
Two sides of a coin since the beginning of time

Both sides
Truth tellers,

My soul they'll take
Based on the choices I make
Heaven and Hell I contemplate
Which is my fate?

Cold comfort is blind
So I distance my mind
Grasp tight to my rusty shield
Yet no succor does it yield

Off the fence
Opinions worth two-pence
Do I stay the course?
Or like a rat jump ship to another drowning horse?

Walking my line
Evil and divine
One foot in the grave
Will my soul be saved?

Time will tell
but she's mute now
One eye on heaven,
one eye on hell.