Club 600



I have found something

they say using non compliant bulbs with digital ballasts is a problem, as opposed to magnetic ballasts

at first i thought i had bad bulbs, but they are boxed as being digital ballast compliant, so we will see how they go once the ballast gets here, but....

i will be getting sunpulse mh bulbs (+9%lumens) and digitech digital hps bulbs (95,000lumens) in future.

any thoughts with this problem, seeing as you guys all use 600's,

whos got magnetic, whos got elec, whos got digi?

big ups


Well-Known Member
Ok 600'ers, I have a serious question. I recently cut some DWC units with two, 5'' net pots in each one. I plan to run one DWC with two plants under each 600 that I have..

do you think I can veg for 1.5-2 months and come out with a gram per watt? I am running two indica strains that should be done in 8-9 weeks of 12/12

I am concerned because I did a SOG/SCROG last time and came out with a little under a gram per watt from a single 600 - but had 7 plants in two units under one lamp. and I also vegged for around 2 months last go round.

All input appreciated, thanks yall.
I don't think you need 5" netpots. Just using a lot of hydroton filling them. About vegging for that long, I feel it's a wast of time. If you are purely shooting for 1 g/w and nothing else (like efficiency) then I'd say veg as long as you possibly can, maybe top them so they fill whatever space you have... then train them to use the light the best way you can and you should get a really big yield. It will take a long time, but it will be cool.

Now if you want to grow a lot of weed period I think it'd be better to run two grows in the time it would take you to do one. If you could get just over 0.5 g/w on a grow half the time, that would be over 1 g/w for the time you are talking about. To me g/w is like horsepower of a car. Doesn't mean all that much. It's all about your lap times.

One more thing. Stuff like g/w is heavily dependent on strain. Even the best groweres can't make magic happen with small yeilding strains.

any thoughts with this problem, seeing as you guys all use 600's,

whos got magnetic, whos got elec, whos got digi?
Here's what I know. I used to have a cmh bulb. They are supposed to only run on magnetic ballasts. A fellow 6er (not to be named) used that bulb in a digital ballast and it blew right away. RIP bulb.

I have always used magnetic ballasts, 150w, 250w, 400w, and 1000w. Never a 600 though.


Well-Known Member
dude jigfresh egyptians are weird, i saw on the news that they made a new law that they can have sex with there dead wives up to 6 hours after they're dead. WTF


Well-Known Member
Actually, that appears to be misinformation, if not an outright hoax that went viral worldwide.
Most of the "news" sources that perpetuated this lie are, to recycle an old saying, are from newspapers (online and print) that I wouldn't even wrap old fish in.
Fox-owned "news" outlets (Rupert Murdoch), most probably, or other ones who are also 10 steps below the worst "An Alien Ate My Baby!" tabloids when it comes to truthful reporting.
Yellow journalism is alive and well in the 21st century.
The ones who will print anything to sell a newspaper, or get people to click a link online to generate ad revenues, as well as destabilize and vilify areas of the world with muslim populations who are an easy target due to extremists in their midst.
I am an atheist, and in no way support or condone any religious practice, but we must all be careful and ever vigilant not to fall prey to lies uttered and written by those with extremist views, whether it's christian, judaic, islamist, or just plain financially motivated (lets report "this" and make some quick cash! We can always print a three paragraph retraction on page 32 when the lie is uncovered.).


Well-Known Member
Hey club 600! cinda new to this forum and never been to this thread before. so thought ill throw in a picture of my Big Buddha Cheese Dawg grown under 600w HPS digital ballast.

i put her in flower 14 days ago.
e 010_cleaned.jpge 011_cleaned.jpge 012_cleaned.jpge 015_cleaned.jpg

Happy growing :D


Well-Known Member
i reckon the dog isn't too bad on the yield, it would definately do well in one of your scrogs.

og 18 from dna is a pretty good yielder, prob more diesel thnan kush maybe.


Well-Known Member
*Sigh* Im waiting for some room to clear up so i can do my First offical Run of DOG. I remember those 2 Giants i had in Hydro but never got to flower them out :( O well im sure i wont be disappointed


Well-Known Member
That's a great route and I like vegging with tubes too. Mostly because they veg slowly though. A 400 or 600 MH will put a scrog into high gear and veg much faster, something to consider
Mine is used mainly for my mothers now because I'm going to 12/12 from root/seed with the new systems. I've used before with excellent results though for veg. I kept it really close to the plants because it doesn't really get hot at all. The reflector is vented via holes in rows directly above each tube so it stays really cool. The tray under it was a 2x4 and I kept it kind of full and was letting them veg for 2 weeks.

I totally agree with you that a 600MH will make them fill out quicker. I have a 600MH conversion bulb and whenever I've used it for veg the plants grew faster.


Well-Known Member
MH kicks ass for Vegging.. :)

Got some Serious AK47 Fem beans, Riserva Privada OG Kush and Dinafem Amnesia on the way and a new Ushio so I'll be starting a new journal soon. I'll show you just how good a 600w MH works in veg. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dog Kush is the best yielding kush I've grown out of Master Kush, Purple Kush, Sour Kush, Banana Kush, Devastator Kush.

And yeah. I heard of that show. Sick shit indeed.

On a bright note, I've been really in love with life going to class the past couple weeks. My professors are great and I like most of the other students. I feel like for the first time in my life I'm doing school like it's supposed to be done (whatever that means). Plus I'm learning a lot which is always fun.

Last thing. 7 years ago today me and my wife met. I drove to her apt (with no drivers license as a result of my dui), we hung out in her apt for about an hour, in which I cleaned her bathroom sink and tried to make friends with her cat. We didn't do much talking right then. We ended up driving around for 30 minutes looking for a place to eat only to end up at the diner attached to the bowling alley right across the street from her place. Went back to her place after and talked about having kids together and such. Both decided it would make things a little more special to wait to seal the deal next time we met. I think I drove home at 3am.

2 months after we were living together.

10 months after I proposed.

14 months later we were married.

Long live craigslist!!!

Oh a pot related note, I pick up clones tomorrow to begin anew. Thinking I'll get some Dog Kush, Banana Kush, and maybe Banana Wonder.
I almost bought them and my buddy said "you can have mine I hate them".

So, root growth is just exploding with all that I transplanted into straight coco. Ive been practicing fimming along with some topping and LST on the Conf Chs, Grapefruit, Lemon diesel and bubblegum and all are just exploding with shoots everywhere ( I also try and train larger leaves below new growth) with some of the confidential cheese that are actually long enough that they could be cloned already!! After this round and I choose the one that'll suit my needs the most will collect the best clones for the SCROG grow on our next round.


Well-Known Member
day 47 of 12/12 on my pc thinking about chopping in a week or 2 as i have 10 clones coming in about weeks. i still have clones which i got off friend which i have been training under this new light cos my 600 is to hot. they seem to be coming back to life al upload pics in 5 mins

