Club 600

yea, the father plant had some redish pollen sacs. why do ya'll call it bmf?

my c99, with the extrema next to it in the white pot and two more Black Rose X (c4xcaseyband)s in those lil pots

Sorry for the delay here!

C4xCaseyband is bred by Highlanders cave, and he called it Boom Mother Fucker (BMF for short, and for politeness).
A really good strain.
just got back from visiting my grandparents and their outdoor med so and my grandfather may disagree on alot of things, but we could agree that his plants are gorgeous lol...tallest was somewhere around 12ft and nearly 8ft across and the shortest was about 5ft tall and 4ft across...diff strains of course...i just wish i could be able to grow'em that pics as thats not allowed up there...he's legal and within plant number limits, just doesnt want photographic proof which i understand...anyways...i need to move about 10m inland so i can grow some outdoor and not always have issues(i live within a mile of the coast...always foggy and wet)....someday
Hey, jig: that's pretty cool that you play sax, too!
Good luck on you & your old bandmates making it into the ToRP, too!

I'm in the process of finding a way to work one of these into my musical arsenal:

(it's an Akai Professional "EWI 4000s" electronic wind instrument)


I played clarinet & bass clarinet for a number of years, and would love to get back into wind instruments, but living in an apartment means it's not going to happen.
Would drive the neighbors crazy with several hours a day of practice. ;-)

But I can interface this with the computer through cabled MIDI or wireless MIDI, and use all of the amazing things I love about Ableton Suite to make it do crazy stuff, and use my headphones so we wouldn't get evicted for noise complaints.

(it also comes with a whole bunch of synth instruments built into it, so all you really need is an amp and your good to go)
Alistair Parnell does an 8-part youtube series on the EWI 4000s that gives a good idea of what it's capable of:

Sorry about that, jig!

I've been experimenting with integrating breath (using my nifty new AKG mic) to blend with virtual instruments played on the MIDI keyboard using Ableton Suite to add subtle-to-dramatic nuances to the way the instruments sound when they play.
Using breath and tounge, I can control volume, add vibrato, and control legato & non-legato playing (all the way to staccato) all on the fly in.
It is flat out amazing the difference in how real a MIDI instrument sounds when layered in real-time with breath control.
Works amazing with virtual wind instruments and string instruments to the point of even me saying out loud "Holy shit!" when playing in the middle of the night all alone.
It took a long time to figure out how to set it up and adjust the controls so that Ableton responds to it, but the difference is like night & day.
I just have to figure out the audio routing in Ableton so that the blended sound is recorded and it'll be ready for prime time.
Then, my next goal is figuring out how I'm going to work a $600 EWI 4000s into my budget, because I freakin' want one!
no buds right now,but do got some fruit pics.........

looking good,i took this one from my mom.

Way cool pineapple shots, gen!
Looks like Fred Flintstone's garden! I half expect to see dinosaurs mowing your lawn next.
Ok. Seriously. WTF. Messing around on youtube and found this gem. Egypt if fucking INSANE!!!!! This shit is legal and even more, entertaining?

It's a show like punkd only instead of one of your buddies giving you bad news, or a valet saying he crashed your car, these peeps 'pretend' to hijack a bus in the middle of the desert using guns and rocket launchers. They pull up on the bus and almost make it crash. When it finally stops from explosions that take out a few windows, they storm the place with fake guns start tying people up putting on blindfolds, and 'fake' shooting people.

Then they finally take off the blindfold and say "Just kidding"

WTF is that!!!! I swear I'd kill a mother fucker for that. Like for real. Giving people PTSD and shit.

I'll say this now. I'm NEVER going to egypt. Shame too.

What I want to know is what the fuck they said to the people to make them cool with it at the end.

10 zips imo you gotta grow in a big container. I get bout 10- 12 and use a 30-40 gallon container and I scrog

I agree, that seems like the perfect size. More roots, more fruits!

I use a 6 bulb T8 fixture I got from home depot at the moment for veg. It covers a 2 x 4 footprint easily and uses less than 200W.

That's a great route and I like vegging with tubes too. Mostly because they veg slowly though. A 400 or 600 MH will put a scrog into high gear and veg much faster, something to consider.

On a different note, has anyone smoked Red Hair skunk or grow? Any input will be appreciate it

I've never grown it but I've smoked it. The guy that did it was a beginner though. It looked nice, but it smelled and tasted average or below. It sure seemed like it had some potential though! Got me good and stoned, can't recall the characteristics of the buzz but it did the trick.
Ok. Seriously. WTF. Messing around on youtube and found this gem. Egypt if fucking INSANE!!!!! This shit is legal and even more, entertaining?

It's a show like punkd only instead of one of your buddies giving you bad news, or a valet saying he crashed your car, these peeps 'pretend' to hijack a bus in the middle of the desert using guns and rocket launchers. They pull up on the bus and almost make it crash. When it finally stops from explosions that take out a few windows, they storm the place with fake guns start tying people up putting on blindfolds, and 'fake' shooting people.

Then they finally take off the blindfold and say "Just kidding"

WTF is that!!!! I swear I'd kill a mother fucker for that. Like for real. Giving people PTSD and shit.

I'll say this now. I'm NEVER going to egypt. Shame too.

What I want to know is what the fuck they said to the people to make them cool with it at the end.


I think in the end it turns out to be a marriage proposal (the marriage cage).

Everyone but the main female featured was in on it.
Pretty fucked up shit to pull on anyone.

Google Translate sucks, but this is one of the things it came up with regarding Ramez GalAl:

"EL Fata EL Tayesh in Marriage cage
08 Feb 2008
The heart of EL Fata EL Tayesh has been already grabbed and he declared his surrender to this process

and after search found that the kidnapper was out off official arts circle and she was an Egyptian girl live in the USA .. but they will stay at Egypt also found that the kidnapping process happen from a long time full of love from the two sides.

congratulation to our star Ramez and waiting for the new surprise which he decide to announce it with the start of shooting his new film."

*edit: did some reading on the guy and "The Marriage Cage" is a movie he was starring in, and not related to the hijacking/kidnapping video.
Ok 600'ers, I have a serious question. I recently cut some DWC units with two, 5'' net pots in each one. I plan to run one DWC with two plants under each 600 that I have..

do you think I can veg for 1.5-2 months and come out with a gram per watt? I am running two indica strains that should be done in 8-9 weeks of 12/12

I am concerned because I did a SOG/SCROG last time and came out with a little under a gram per watt from a single 600 - but had 7 plants in two units under one lamp. and I also vegged for around 2 months last go round.

All input appreciated, thanks yall.
i have no exp on dwc at all.

i have seen some dwc grows and my opinion would be that vegging plants is a waste of time, they grow so much when they flower you could have done nearly two crops in the time that you would do one grow when vegging. not good for your grams per watt but more productive with time and energy costs.

my two cents.
from what I'm gathering in my grow that I'm gonna change up next go round is using wayyyy bigger pots on the last in at least 15 gallon pots. IMO bigger is better than the chance of growing in too little soil. 60 days in veg is a lot of days in pots that'r too small. I have 4 pretty big plants in 5 gal airpots..If I don't water them every day without fail they wither big time. I'm even considering transplanting now but I think going into my 5th week of flower today that I may do more harm than good transplanting this late in the game so I'm keeping a steady constant eye on my girls!P1010524.jpg
feel free to pop on over to my thread!! happy to have subbers ;)

My Monster plant Jack herer x Skunk! day 20 Flowering..... 1 plant !!! Don't miss out! 100% Perlite CycoFlower nutrients.... 600 Watt + UVB
