Club 600

ah ken ghb, you've had me on my toes a couple of times saying you would be over?:) All i got was to meet one of yer mates, and that was for about 20 seconds, lol.

i know, i hate it when people say they will do things and then don't, not normally me. i was over in jan but i kinda got sidetracked with a couple of lads who hadn't been the dam before.

i'd love to come over for the cup maybe and experience it before big brother clamps down.
hi everyone ive just set up my 600w hps for flowering.only got one plant in there at the minute pineapple Thai.But soon to add afghan kush and exodus cheese.So can i be in the 600 club??? AWW please,please;)
its fry day bitchs!!!


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I decided to chop the lot a week early. The trics were milky so why not. I tell ya, making hash might be the way to go for me! 6 plants chopped and trimmed well enough in less than 30 minutes! I do value my labor and although I still gotta chop them up for the actual extraction that won't be too difficult either. I wish my plan for refilling the tent hadn't been fucked up by the 3 dying seedlings.
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Right a few of whats shakin round here.

lovin the oil
Sour Cherry Cheese
Don Gin and Tons, Smelly Cherry X C4xCB
C4xCB x Greenhouses UK Cheese
There's so much room now! Hopefully these clones will be vegging around the time the seeds are coming up or I'll just pick up some others. I'm running it 75% power at 18/6 for now. Id run it 50% but this just keeps the electric bill the same. I'll be starting a couple of my own fem seeds in a few weeks too
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I know how you feel lad. When I start off I just want to keep filling it up until it's all green again, but then slowly realise the plants are going to double in size and that there's gonna be trouble ahead, lol. It'll be no time before they are filling out.

  • First indoor grow room I built :)
    Room is 4'3" x 12'ish x 7'+ 600W light
    So I'm in the evening of my 8th night in 12/12.
    My four girls are now about 36" tall and over 24" wide each. Almost too big for the width of my room. Perfect really but there's no way for me to get to the back of my room without moving a plant or two which is no biggie being I turn each plant at least every other day a 1/3 turn(ish).
    I can't believe how much I've learned over these past 9-10 weeks.
    I let them go exactly two months to the day in veg state leaving the lights on 24 hours. Can't say that hurt them but I have a feeling it might have been over-kill. Not sure, but like I said..didn't hurt..mighta been a good thing. Hard to know. Nothing to compare it to..yet.
    Been using a small humidifier in the veg state trying to keep the room up to about 65-+ RH on average
    The flower stage is harder to deal with. I have my dehumidifier on 24/7 and it never shuts off set at 40% RH.Seems to average on my hydrometer at around 45-50+- % unless I run the dehumidifier on a higher speed which dries things out too fast..ugh The hassle is it dries out my soil pretty fast. I seem to have been watering them every day now. They are in "air-pots" so that has them drying out faster than normal in of themselves but I think these pots are really good...I think. again..nothing to compare it to...yet.
    Been following FF nute schedule almost to the T with good results. If anything I lean on the lighter side in how much I use but pretty close to what they call for. I'm using the 3 liquids and the three powder solubles. The powder solubles I should have a long time...being you use so little.
    The air temps are now hovering over 85deg unless I keep the door partially which I do during the day and that gets it down to around 80ish.
    The cool tube is now about only a foot over the tops of my girls....not bad, huh!? If it gets hotter than 88-90 I'll have to take them off the milk crates they're on and put em on the floor and lower the light a hair...I'm now only about 6" under my light with no problem..good circulation!
    Water has been 100% rain water I've been collecting in spackle buckets I strain through two layers of vinyl screening I keep next to em'. I don't even think thats necessary but can't hurt. So far it's been awesome so...
    The flowering is amazing now!!! I have a gazillion flowers coming up all over the place!! I even came up with the idea of twisting up some wire and bending a reverse hook onto each end to stretch between close branches to push em' apart letting more light in. Great idea...thank'm using the USHIOs HiLUX GRO bulb (600Watts) $70+- on Amazon...97,000 Lumens!!! Fucking awesome!!Great seller too!Sent out the first bulb stupidly in a bag with one wrap of bubble wrap around it..totally smashed. Contacted him right away and he sent another out in a box the way it should have come in the first place First Class so it was at my door in a few days. I'll keep using him. We had good communication.

    What else...Oh yeh...the Beneficial Nematodes I was sent the dude sent out in 95 deg ice packs..Doubted they were alive. Contacted him and he credited my acct no more questions asked and said I should try it anyway which I did but no way were they alive b/c I have quite a few gnats around my airpots but I'm hanging lots of fly paper which seem to do the trick pretty well. Cheap enough..easy enough. Been hanging them off the light on wire with a heavy washer at the end to hold em' down from the wind from my fan. I'm using wire all over the place...Awesome idea! I hang my hydrometer at the top of my plant height with it from my light hood. the price on Amazon seems to be going up and down on that hydrometer from about $15-$22. Might need to snag a cpl more if I see it go back down to $15ish.
    I also think the Mycorr worked pretty well too..I'd always use that...I have plenty left..
    Well thats about it for now on my four girls. Next is how to stake the buds up once the heft's getting kinda crowded in there

    'bout 7-8 weeks in veg mode (photos w/lights on)-->'bout 3 daze into 12/12(photo w/lights off)--> 'bout 8 daze into 12/12 (lights off)-->plants are about 36" tall now
    and super lush
    Better not get too much bigger. I figure they still grow for another week or two...heights no biggie but the width???gulp!

Next grow I need a second ballast'n reflector for sure to take advantage of the room size...and spread the girls out more...I've alctually got some more photos to post...I'm about a week'n a half+ further in than this post above..It's looking way better but a bit more crowded..ugh..but not horribly crowded...yet...just put stakes in pots today and tied the branches up which is holding them back but crowding the center a hair from light..not horribly but....
Welcome new have some good looking grows.

doobie brother and duchie
you've been quiet, are you okay?

I picked up Jimmy Buffet's "Live at Las Vegas" yesterday and it's a keeper.....particularly two tracts

here's one......

smilies aren't working for
Anyone else starting school soon? I am taking two classes starting monday. I'm nervous even though I'm sure I'll be the best student in each course. One really random fact, both my teachers have the initials Z. R.
Anyone else starting school soon? I am taking two classes starting monday. I'm nervous even though I'm sure I'll be the best student in each course. One really random fact, both my teachers have the initials Z. R.

I'm supposed to start monday. but i havn't had time or even been motivated enough to do it. I just like you feel like i am a notch above in the knowledge section. Lol, except for math i blew math on the placement test, as soon as i saw. 6x + 3x = y type stuff started trippin me out, so i just click, click , click. lol i need some real motivation. im starting to think schooling won't pay off in the long run, i have many people around me stuck payng loans, my girl owes about 50,000 and has to pay back 375 `a month n that sucks. And just recently fix my issues with federal financial aid and dont wanna dig a deeper hole. sh sucks.
Spoke to heads up briefly he says to say HI! to every one here so Hi every one here from Headsup. Ive done a few re-visits to collage for various courses and the thing is everyone or mostly every one else is just left school and painfully young lol. Oh and Mexico have scored against Brazil already in the final of the Olympic football. Get IN
What up sixers, so I need a little advise please.

Yesterday I added a couple of Exhale CO2 bags to the room to help boost production. I know you want to keep your ppm around 1500ppm and it takes those bags some time to build up the CO2 content. I've been using 2 600w air cooled HPS's with a 400cfm fan.

The way I figure it if that fans circulating the room air I'll never have any benefit from the CO2 bags. So...

I tried killing the fan during the lights on period. The temp jumped from my normal 72 degrees to 82 in an hour.

How do I resolve this? I have a central AC vent that leads into the room but still the temp rised. How do people who use CO2 keep their temps down, or keep the CO2 ppm up?

Help would be awesome thanks so much. If I missed anything let me know... poliitely or I'll shit in your Fuity Pebbles. :o