Club 600

anyone ever make a habanero mite/bug spray?
I've made it a few times. Habaneros, jalapeños, serranos they all will do the trick. The key IMO is to spray the plants 3-4 days straight. Hell the frequency of the drowning alone could probably take care of the mites and the peppers just icing on the cake. I've seen people say to spray like twice a week or whatever and that just don't work for me. Gotta hit em hard and repeatedly.

I've also sprayed right up within days of harvest. I washed my plants off in the shower at harvest with cold water. It helped removed any mite crap, corpses or webs. After a thorough washing take the plants outside and swing em around till they don't throw water off. Then hang em up like usual!
Lights can not go higher..plants are already bent over day 42 too early to harvest maybe??- Dinafem WW, ResPriv OG#18 - couple of others cohabitating...thinking of removing the 600 and finishing with 2 x 2700k 130WCFL or should I just harvest asap????

Any advice appreciated Thx
View attachment 2251682
Lights can not go higher..plants are already bent over day 42 too early to harvest maybe??- Dinafem WW, ResPriv OG#18 - couple of others cohabitating...thinking of removing the 600 and finishing with 2 x 2700k 130WCFL or should I just harvest asap????

Any advice appreciated Thx
I would go through and cut off every fan leaf first to clear up a bunch of space in there. Once you get all of those out of the way chop off the lower branches that don't appear to be doing much. Once there, take the tallest branches that are nearing the lights and just bend the stems over and tie/weigh them down to keep away from the lights. You'll be sorry if you harvest early, might as well have not grown at all if you do that, and certainly don't switch to some cfl at this point. That's my .02
Sounds great, I have grown for years and I get .85 grams per watt.....I am mostly an outdoor grower but I want to improve my indoor yield...I will be shooting for 1 gram per watt soil..and eventually hydro and shoot for more.
Hey Prof, 3rd time lucky......Any recommendations on where to pick up good chillers??? Sorry, I asked twice before but you missed my post...I know, I am small and insignificant, lol.

Not habanero but capsaicin systemically, haven’t tested enough to make recommendations but believe there is room for optimism . Prevention is still by far the most effective treatment. I couldn’t tell you the last time I’ve had to deal with mites. No outside air in/out. No pets. No working outside than coming in. All about prevention.

View attachment 2251682
Lights can not go higher..plants are already bent over day 42 too early to harvest maybe??- Dinafem WW, ResPriv OG#18 - couple of others cohabitating...thinking of removing the 600 and finishing with 2 x 2700k 130WCFL or should I just harvest asap????

Any advice appreciated Thx

I would go through and cut off every fan leaf first to clear up a bunch of space in there. Once you get all of those out of the way chop off the lower branches that don't appear to be doing much. Once there, take the tallest branches that are nearing the lights and just bend the stems over and tie/weigh them down to keep away from the lights. You'll be sorry if you harvest early, might as well have not grown at all if you do that, and certainly don't switch to some cfl at this point. That's my .02

I would do everything that Supchaka has told you to do, Royalshaman....good luck and let us know how it works out.

before I join any club...What kind of yield are you guys pulling off these 6's?

Eh, I thought you had already joined us here at the Club, Corso.

And if our GPW is not high enough I guess you'll have to think hard about hanging out with us then.....

How does 1 GPW sound?

How about a bit of Jolandi Visser (this is how I talk when I go to Cape Town, lol....)
Die Antwoord = Die Sheeit

And for the record I only get 0.5 gpw. Better number for me is over 2.25 oz / sq.ft. I stand about 5'10". Car has 110 hp. Postcode I'm in right now has 5SP in it. 5 days till I visit the 8th country I've been to in my 33 years. Jeep has a 5.9 L engine. Wife and I have been trying to get pregnant for 9 months now. Bought 2 pairs of jeans yesterday.
Where you going in 5 days???? I wasn't expecting you until around 8 days.

Westy has not moved to another country J, just another house, lol.
Iceland! Will be on the ground for about 49 hours. Going to rent a car and see what kind of trouble we can get into there.
I heard that Iceland is now doing quite well after it crashed economically....I suppose, get it over with first eh!. I still smile at our fortunate escape from the Iceland bank. Enjoy it mate!
Allllllrighty then!

Re-sealed the reflector box after putting the glass back in place, so it's air-tight(ish)
Only thing left to do to the new Grow Closet mk-1.0™ is to plumb in the cool air ducting from an intake port at the window, and then hang my squirrel cage fan by the window exhaust port and run flex hose from it to the ultra classy Boss GT-10B Bass fx processor box.
I used the GT-10B box as a plenum, since there wasn't enough room for a 6" hose to be properely radius-ed between the reflector box and the wall.
It also doubles as a light trap.





And a vi-dilddle-ee-odo to you, too!


Going to rip a few bowls of the last of my herbage, and try for some sleep.
I put my grow on hold while we were trying to get the house bought but, since it fell though, I need to make like Johnny Doubletime now that my new grow space is almost ready!
After some sleep I'll be taking some clippings from a JDB Romulan that's been been vegging.
Will have pics up of the clones tonight.

Die Antwoord = Die Sheeit

And for the record I only get 0.5 gpw. Better number for me is over 2.25 oz / sq.ft. I stand about 5'10". Car has 110 hp. Postcode I'm in right now has 5SP in it. 5 days till I visit the 8th country I've been to in my 33 years. Jeep has a 5.9 L engine. Wife and I have been trying to get pregnant for 9 months now. Bought 2 pairs of jeans yesterday.
Funny, funny guy :)
I heard that Iceland is now doing quite well after it crashed economically....I suppose, get it over with first eh!. I still smile at our fortunate escape from the Iceland bank. Enjoy it mate!

They took there medicine up front unlike the USA and the EURO. Who just keep bailing out countries and industries
Always makes me laugh when I see bank adverts in The Netherlands for loans etc (although there are not too many of them at the moment). But there is always a warning (as there is with drink adverts).
Geld lenen kost geld (Loaning money costs you money). They even have a logo for it. Now if only countries practised this as well.....

The drink one:
Geneiten en Drink met mate!! (enjoy and drink with care, lol) My wife for some reason was convinced that the Duchies had taken on the English word for friend (Mate). But in Dutch it means something else naturally.